All Questions & Answers About of God:
Question 1: Divine Father, our Spiritual School of Non-Being(1) has recently been informed by Mr. Tam that the Divine Energy of the Lord has descended to the world. Would You please clarify the reason for which GOD has descended to earth?
Answer: The reason is that in the near future the world will undergo a great change that will lead mankind into a new cycle of evolution according to the operational process of the Universe. Therefore, I see that My Symbolic Presence on earth is necessary for the guidance of humanity toward this new cycle to fit with the Scheme of the Celestial Mechanism(2).
Question 2: Divine Father, I wonder why GOD must descend to the world since HE is Omnipotent and Omniscient? HE only needs to manifest His Divine Power to change everything to His Will. So, why is His Coming to earth necessary?
Answer: Because GOD judges that His Symbolic Presence on earth will support more positively and effectively the evolutionary process of humanity. You are right! GOD is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and HE runs all things according to His own Will. However, His Divine Will is not only realized in the Plane of Non-Being(3) (the invisible plane) but also in the Plane of Being(4) (the visible plane).
Now, GOD judges that His Presence on the Plane of Being on earth will make His operational task easier, smoother, and support better the realization of His Divine Will. In the plane of Non-Being, doesn't His Presence manifest everywhere at all times? By the Non- Being, GOD is always Eternal and Omnipresent. However, since doomsday is near, the time has come for GOD to exteriorize His Divine Presence on the plane of Being to accelerate the spiritual evolution of humanity before the total destruction of the world happens.
This Event of Annihilation(5) will be a drastic purge to select a group of human beings who have enough spiritual potential to progress into a New Cycle, which is the coming Era of Wisdom of earth.
Question 3: Divine Father, if so, isn't GOD's Omnipotence adequate to assist humanity progress quickly according to His Will so that HE must take pains to manifest Himself on earth to support more effectively this evolution?
Answer: Dear children, you want to know whether GOD has enough Power to operate? Of course, HE has. But, you should know that GOD's Power must be used in concordance with the Universal Law of Evolution, in such a way that all living beings and things will have the opportunities to learn and progress.
So, if you think that GOD only needs to exert His power to help humanity evolve by miracles that instantly bring human beings from the state of Ignorance to the state of Clairvoyance then that is feasible My children! This is not indeed a difficult task for GOD but HE does not act this way! GOD does not learn on your behalf.
GOD does not progress for you. You must learn in order to understand! You must proceed in order to arrive! GOD only supports and helps you proceed, learn, and evolve. You have to launch yourselves out to taste, experiment, and learn so you can understand.
The lucidity you have acquired must undergo a process of hard experimentations and research. That is the Law of Evolution! Similarly, when GOD performs His Will or carries out His Divine Power, HE does it according to the scheme of evolution as I have mentioned earlier, in such a way you can have the occasion to learn, taste, and experiment for your edification and your evolution. And in those instances, GOD has to toil more in order to guide living beings.
Because of your need to learn and to evolve, GOD's Divine Will and Power must be carried out in a harder and more complicated way! GOD uses all possible means, both impure and pure, to educate human beings. And now, the Decadent Era of Humanity is on its way according to the Universal Cosmic Law.
The Advent of Destruction is close! Here comes the time when My Presence is necessary on the Visible Plane of Being(4) to actively support your spiritual elevation so you can better understand the Truth, better understand GOD and be closer to HIM in thought. In any event, GOD's Symbolic Presence on earth will for sure accelerate the spiritual development of mankind and assist in providing human beings with good opportunities to evolve in time and be selected for the oncoming Era of Wisdom.
I hope that the number of elects will increase thanks to this unusual and exceptional Presence.
Question 4: Divine Father, You have just used the word "Symbolic Presence". Would You explain why it is only symbolic?
Answer: Because GOD is the Great Mass of Incommensurable Sacred Light pervading the Cosmic Universe. HE is without form, without aspect! You cannot use your human mind to visualize GOD! Therefore, you may feel HIM to be far away from your thoughts and your love, My children.
Hence, GOD splits up His Divine Energy to come to you through a human body composed of Four Great Elements(6) to live with you on earth, so you can visualize HIM, feel HIM closer to you, and understand HIM better.
But you must know that GOD's Presence on this earth is but Symbolic. It means that HE is not solely present here, in this Very-Venerable(7) Sanctified-Body(8), but rather, HE is incommensurable.
HE is down here on earth, yet HE is always up there in the Center of the Vital Energy of the Universe, and by the Divine Power of Non-Being, GOD is present everywhere. Within this Very-Venerable Sanctified-Body, GOD has recourse to only a part of His Divine Energy from the Sphere of Incommensurable Divine Energy to communicate with you, children on earth.
If you think that GOD is wholly embodied within the Venerable Sanctified Body, then you have already limited GOD! As you will see later on, for the sake of the work I want to be done, many more personalities whose bodies will be borrowed by ME will receive My Divine Energy to take care of the Task. Because My Scheme is so great and the Task so immense, I must split up My Divine Energy into many other bodies to assist the Venerable Sanctified Body in the preparation of the coming Era of Wisdom. There will soon be the reappearance of the Redemptor and the Celestial Lord who will get the source of My Divine Energy to take in hand in this Transitional Period the preparation for the Era of Wisdom.
Question 5: Divine Father, have You ever thought that it would be easier for us to visualize You in a Male rather than a Female body to be chosen as Your symbolic image on earth?
Answer: Yes, of course. It is certainly obvious to ME that with the profane thinking of yours, most of you are still mired in the cycle of infatuation and intransigeance(9) of your False-Self and would discriminate against a Female body, because to your eyes a Male body would fit better your image of GOD.
That is why, I take this occasion to hamper your infatuation and intransigeance, to expand your mind for a clearer conception of GOD. You should understand that GOD is infinite.
HE is Male, HE is Female, but also neither Male nor Female. HE is a Sphere of Infinite Light without form. You can visualize HIM in any shape you want! If you represent HIM as a Man, HE will be a Man. If you represent HIM as a Female, HE will be a Female. You should visualize GOD in any way that can make you conceive HIM better. Children, why cannot GOD be a Female? You should understand that the Principle of Oneness(10) diverges into the bipolar Yin (female) and Yang (male), then diversifies into millions that in turn converge to One.
This latter will then retrocede into the Original Emptiness! The Oneness diverges into multiplicity and multiplicity returns to the Oneness, My children! You must understand that I govern all the Mechanism of Bipolartity: I am Yin (female), Yang (male), and neither one at the same time.
Therefore, in this last phase, I will teach you how to overcome your infatuation and intransigeance by using many supranormal phonomena that the world will gradually witness. I will choose many phsyical bodies, both Male and Female, and even the Divine Mother's energy may be conferred to a Male body. I will select many Avatars(11), regardless of sex, basing on their meritorious karmic conditions(12), their spiritual dispositions(13), and My Divine Needs. As for this person, I allow Her to play My role because of the unusual and rare circumstances of Her spiritual realization and also because of Her own merits. Well, understand it that way for the moment!
Question 6: Divine Father, You have mentioned that You resort to all means from impure to pure to educate human beings. Would You explain this matter further?
Answer: Dear children, as I said, I have used all the means from impure to pure to help you learn and evolve.
Now, let's ask this question: what guides your Soul to the sublimation and spiritual elevation? Isn't it Beauty, Goodness, Lucidity? What pulls your down? Isn't it Vileness, Cruelty, Ignorance? The force of Goodness and Lucidity applied to pull you upwards is exerted by GOD; the force of Evil and Ignorange that drags you downward is also from GOD.
These are the means that efficiently assist in the education of your Soul.
Isn't it because of the opposition and repulsion between the two forces of Action and Counter-Action that your Soul has the opportunities to learn and evolve? Because, when your Soul was separated for My Great Divine Soul to descend to earth, it was just for carrying out the mission: "Go to Learn in order to Evolve!"
Therefore, in the cycle of your evolution, you must learn all the lessons of Good and Bad, Impurity and Purity, Ugliness and Beauty. Thus, your Soul can taste all experiences to finally return to unite with GOD, become an Omnipotent and Omniscient Entity who knows both Bad and Good, both Impurity and Purity, and who can manage them all for the purpose of the endless evolution of the Universe, in the Infinite Wisdom of the Omnipotent and Omniscient Lord.
Through so many karmic existences within the learning cycle of evolution of the Soul, these impure and pure forces oppose one another incessantly, hence giving the Soul occasions to learn. That antagonism will bring about conditions the forge and knead the Soul, then help It taste and experience so that It can become more competent and knowledgeable. Therefore, as long as a Soul is still naive and weak, It is easily lured into ignorance and evil that impel It to think and act evil.
Once evil has resided in the Soul, it will induce its host's desires, thoughts, and actions toward malefic ends and generate drastic ordeals that would afflict the Soul according to the law of Physics. Religions refer to this as Karma(14): if one sows the seed of bitterness, one will reap the fruit of bitterness. And the Soul which commits an erroneous act must undergo the reaction of the law of Cause and Effect(15) in order to pay its Karmic Retributions(16) and be crushed by it.
Accordingly, It must encounter bitterness, suffering, and adversity through harsh trials and be immersed in sorrows(17).
While the Soul has to pay for the Karma of its previous aberrations, It is truly learning. Bitterness and suffering are precious lessons to mold the Soul. Sometimes during a karmic retribution the Soul quivers with grief and then succumbs again into more errors and sins. Thus, because of ignorance, It may attract more sufferings to put It on test and force It to keep its way on the dark Malefic Path, through countless karmic existences! But then, the force of Goodness in nature will favorably intervene to pull It upward. Those forces will quietly interpose to influence It through many karmic existences of the Soul being immersed in the bad, sufferings, and darkness.
Then, at a certain moment, the Soul will begin to recognize its abberations. It will fear evil, the Karmic Retribution Law and will strive at avoiding evil deeds and will gradually rise toward the God. For the moment, just give a general answer regarding the above question.
Question 7: Divine Father, in this Cosmic Universe, Purity is You, Impurity is also You. The Bad and Good are also in Your hands. Father, if so, when You create all living beings and things, and then provoke cataclysms to destroy them, then will all things being of Your doings, are You guilty of them or not?
Answer: Dear children, let's make this clear: the Bad is ME and the Good is also ME. You should keep in mind that GOD is Omiscient and Omnipotent. Being Omniscient and Omnipotent, GOD must possess both Bad and Good. If GOD knows the Good but not the Bad, then there would be something that HE does not know yet and if there is something HE does not know, how can HE be called Omniscient? If GOD performs only the Good and leaves out the Bad, there would still be something that HE has not done yet.
So, how can HE be called Omnipotent? Therefore, GOD must be the Bad and at the same time the Good! HE is the Most Benevolent but also the Most Cruel in the Cosmos! In this Cosmic Universe, no one can be more cruel than HIM! But then, at the same time, being the Great- Cruelty and the Omniscient, HE knows how to utilize cruelty for the purpose of the Great-Compassion. Why is it Great-Compassion, My children? Because, you must understand that all the tragedies and misfortunes on this earth are under the Law of Evolution of the Universe. These happenings are indeed necessary!
Griefs, massacres, and bloody tears on earth are necessary to the Wheel of Evolution. Let's ask if without those miseries you would have any lessons to learn? I told you that I have split My Great Divine Soul into Small Individual Souls and sent them down to this world to learn. In conformity to the Law of Evolution, the Small Individual Souls come down from the light and pure sphere into the heavy and impure one to seek knowledge.
Once launched into the learning process, you must know and experience all things, taste all flavors of happiness and unhappiness, sweetness and bitterness. You must taste and experience to know all, My children! My Small Individual Souls coming down to this impure world must learn primarily impurity, evil, and then suffer from their retributions in accordance with the Law of Karma. Thanks to that time when they undergo tests and sufferings to pay for the karmic debts, when they are bitterly distressed in humiliation and crushed in trials, these Small Individual Souls will have oppotunities to acquire knowledge, taste all flavors and learn all lessons.
Then they will be forged by the Law of Cause and Effect(15) to grow progressively richer until they are mature enough to become weary of the ephemeral and illusory luster of the world or get more from this impure heaviness to seek for something more ethereal and more enlightened.
After many bitter trials comes a moment in their evolution where My Small Individual Souls will gradually perceive the Law of Nature, the Law of Cause and Effect, the Constant Law of Evolution of the Universe; and groping further, they will one day be awakened from the lethargy to become conscious of their ultimate purpose, and decide to return where they had departed from.
So, when coming down here My Small Individual Souls must be immersed in sorrows and engulfed in an Ocean of Misfortunes in order to learn. They must shed tears, face destitution, endure griefs, bloodshed and cataclysms on earth to acquire knowledge with a view to evolve. Therefore, there are punitive and decimating ordeals on earth, causing death to millions of human beings.
This is indeed cruel! You may blame GOD for creating human beings and then permit these irrational and cruel tragedies! But, My children, these situations are necessary for the Scheme of Evolution, for the Operational Law of the Universe.
How else can My Divine Small Individual Souls learn? What can they experiment on? How can they get to know all the flavors from sweet to bitter, and to witness ugliness and beauty under every dimension of life? Assume that the Small Individual Souls do not learn and do not taste in order to acquire knowledge, then they cannot evolve. And if they cannot evolve, the Law of Evolution cannot function, and if the latter doesn't function, the Universe cannot evolve. And then, what will happen? It will be the Destruction of the Universe.
Therefore, in wishing for the tragedy of destruction not to happen to the Universe, God must be Greatly Cruel. This Great Cruelty of GOD is essential to the Evolution and the Survival of the Universe! Thus, does the Great Cruelty turn out to be Great Compassion? Isn't it because GOD is Great Compassion that HE must be Great Cruelty, My children? The Great Cruelty used in the Infinite Wisdom of the Omniscient will turn out to be the Great Compassion. My children, you should realize that Bad used at the right moment will become Good, and Good applied at the wrong time will become Bad. Then, only the Omniscient knows how to utilize the Bad in His Infinite Wisdom so it becomes effectively the Good.
Question 8: Divine Father, if so, does that mean that all the filthiness, the flaws, and the sins of all humanity lie entirely in Your Divine Will?
Answer: Children, you are correct! Let ME explain this further. For the sake of the everlasting manifestation of the Law of Evolution, I split My Divine Great Soul into Small Individual Souls. These Sparks of Sacred Light are "My children". More specifically, you are truly the Split-Souls which are subdivided from GOD to descend onto this world to learn. I want, of My own will, to come down to this world to learn through the intermediary of My Small Individual Souls.
I want to learn Evil and act Evil, to be the victim of karmic retributions because of wrongdoings, them immerse Myself in vileness and sings to learn My lessons through the metempsychosic existences. Finally, being through many different existences immersed in the Bad, in Wisdom, in Good and what is referred to as Truth, the Benevolence and Beauty, inherent in nature, all of these, manifested through different aspects on the world, will educate ME slowly by their silent influences.
This Force of Goodness will guide ME slowly to a better understanding so that I would wake up and struggle to arise little by little from the baseness of sins until I am really aware of the path back to My Divine Origin. I will have to learn all things, taste all flavors in order to be informed of everything, and then return to My Primary Rank which is one of Omniscience.
The day My Small Individual Soul possesses enough Wisdom to reunify with the Great Divine Soul or the Spark of Sacred Light becomes bright enough to harmonize with the Great Sphere of Sacred Light of the Universe is the day this Small Individual has attained its spiritual goal.
It means that by the intermediary of My Small Individual Souls, I have set Myself to learn, taste, and experiment from Impurity to Purity, from Wickedness to Benevolence, from Bad to Good, so as to learn all aspects and assimilate all things in order to become Omniscient and Omnipotent.
Question 9: Divine Father, You have informed us that You have been existing since eternity.
If so, Your Wisdom, Your Omnipotence, and Your Omniscience must have existed since eternity. Then why is there still a necessity for You to learn and acquire all those things?
Answer: Your perplexity on this point is indeed understandable! But let ME remind you of this truth: "A piece of jade that is not constantly polished will become useless and wasteful".
I want to shine eternally, to be Omniscient and Omnipotent eternally; thus, I must go on learning eternally. And you should also know that I am the Universe, the Law of Evolution; that is why I must evolve eternally. And to evolve eternally, I must ceaselessly learn; if I do not learn, I will not evolve.
When the Law of Evolution cannot be implemented, it will then be the abolition of that Law and the Destruction of Myself, which entails the Annihilation of the Universe! Therefore, in order for ME to exist eternally, I must evolve eternally.
It is why the Truth is mutable but immutable, My children! Within the Agitation exists the state of Non-Agitation. "To Exist for Eternity" is the state of "Non- Agitation"; to go on learning in order to always evolve is the state of "Agitation". Since I want to be Eternal and Immutable, I must always act and transmute. The Truth which needs to be immutable must be mutated; or in other words, it can, due to its transmutability, become immutable, My children! Therefore, in the immutability lies the transmutability! This is the Eternal Truth!
Question 10: Divine Father, You have just said that GOD is eternal; and, in the representation of human beings as well as in religions, it is also admitted that GOD is eternal. But, Buddha has taught that everything in the Universe lies on the Law of Materialization, Stabilization, Destruction, Annihilation. You do also confirm that to be the Truth. Since You are the Universe, how should You not abide by that Law? Why is GOD indestructible?
Answer: My children, GOD is eternal but also destructible at the same time. Because the Law of Materialization, Stabilization, Destruction, Annihilation is within the Truth and I am the Truth, so that Law must be in ME; I am that Law, My children! Therefore, I must possess all states of Materialization, Stabilization, Destruction, Annihilation.
I am also subjected to Birth and Death. However, I materialize right at the time I annihilate. When I die I am instantly reborn. In Myself, the two states of Death and Life take place at the same time.
This is why, I become Non-Birth and Non-Death; I become Immortal, Indestructible. Because I die as I am born. Hence, I become Eternal. To summarize, within GOD, the two states of Birth and Death are realized eternally in the Universe, while one matter is disintegrating, another is in the process of formation. Therefore, GOD gives birth and death, but neither birth nor death. HE exists eternally.
HE is Mortal and Immortal. HE is effectively the Eternal Truth!
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