Question 51:
Divine Father, there are people who think that working is also a way of meditation. When we focus our attention on the work, we are in a way meditating.
This kind of meditation is, however, more useful to society than just sitting there for the meditative ecstasy (145), which only profits oneself. Divine Father, does it sound logical? Please advise us.
My children, the concentration on your work to fulfill your duty as a person and a social being is indeed a way of concentration and meditation; that is correct! But it is besides the point saying that to sit for the practice of the spiritual ascesis in aspiration for purity and serenity does not provide anything useful to society. In reality, a person who achieves the state of quietude and equilibrium, with a lucid insight, is truly useful to society.
Lucidity and quietude are precisely the good and necessary conditions for you to serve efficiently your fellow-men. Those who are lucid and serene always contribute most to the well-being of people.
As for many others, though they pay their attention to their work, their minds are disturbed because they worry too much about success and failure. Their nerves become so tense, their hearts so tired and their minds so exhausted that their Spiritual Energy and their Vital Breath Energy are depleted, their six bowels and five visceras(104) are deteriorated.
Those are the bad conditions that greatly hinder the ability to serve society. It can be said that these people have the willingness to serve but lack intelligence. In this case, it cannot be called "Meditation" because "Meditation" (Dhyana) requires "Concentration" (Dharana). The case here cannot be considered as "Concentration on Work" but more properly "Agitation in Work".
You should know that if a person achieves the state of quietude, stability, and lucidity, he not only devotes himself to his work with all his ability without distraction or waste of time but also without being perturbed by his duty. Whether he succeeds or fails is but normal in this life and should be no cause for desperation and confusion. Failure is thus most often avoided by a good and lucid composure of mind.
Working without being perturbed by the work but still being lucid enough to handle it with all the conscience and capacity to serve is the way of working by persons of superior knowledge.
Therefore, no matter how overwhelming your work may be, I advise all of you to reserve at least two hours(148) everyday at midnight to practice the spiritual ascesis. At those hours, every being is at rest after a day of busy activities. Then in the sitting posture for the serene Contemplation, close your mind and leave behind all worldly worries, thoughts, and your five senses to the external world in order to return and listen to your own True Self.
During these minutes your nervous system will be relaxed and your organs relieved, being fortified by the pure air inhaled into your body through the method of Cyclical Breathing. Your body will thus become more or less cleansed of all its toxic carbon dioxide.
All that concerns the practical medicine! As to the aspect of Esoteric Science of Non-Being, it is the time when you bring into your body the energy of the pure cosmic breath to purify your body, to clear up obstructions, and to help vivify it thanks to the accumulation of the energy within you at that time.
Because when you practice the method of concentration of mind by watching over the thoughts and closing the five visceras(104), your Vital Energy is not dissipated, but will little by little be reassembled to nurture the Original Spiritual Energy, so that the latter can grow, be strengthened, and become more and more lucid until it gains enough impetus to dispose of the body-prison and open up the Gate of Heaven(70) and next lean on the Sarira Sacred Embryo(143) to step forward on the old path back to his Homeland.
In summary, those children who are work-oriented and socially- minded should spare enough time for the meditative contemplation so as to be healthy and lucid. Those are essential conditions for you to solve and appropriately manage the problems you are facing; it will also make your help to others more efficient. Keep in mind that to concentrate on your work does not by itself assure you of the know-how for the "practice of Meditation by way of Work".
You only know the true "Meditation by way of Work" when your mind is serene and lucid, and has attained the level of the "Contemplative State". To those children who are resolved to reach the Lucid Sphere of Liberation, they must be more diligent and must persevere very conscientiously in the practice of meditative contemplation in order to progress quickly to their expected goal.
At this point, I feel the need to address those of you who like to search for the knowledge of meditation through books, who enjoy studying it through literature, discussions, and profound reasonings.
My children, Meditation is a true Sutra without Words(149), a Sacred Book without Terms, a Voice without Sound, Reasons without Reasoning. You cannoy grasp it with the terms used in books or with the pure reasonings of the intellect.
You should abstain from those approaches! It will be in vain because you can never experience the meditation in the external world while you have not seen it inside of you. In order to experiment it, you must practice the spiritual ascesis, use the method of concentration of mind to control your thinking, close your five senses, and reassemble your Spiritual Energy to enter into the Meditative Ecstasy(145).
When your Soul is serene, the real face of the meditation will gradually appear so that you can recognize it and contemplate it.
And then, in that state, you will be able to read those lines of the "Sacred Book without Words", profound and sublime; you will also begin to hear the inaudible, the marvelously mystical and ecstatic voice, and you will be pleased with your discovery to the "indiscussable discussion"!
In summary, do not attempt to seek for the meditation in the external world, whivh is impracticable, because you will never see it! Seek it inside you! When you happen to discover it and realize it, you will subsequently see its presence everywhere in the external world without taking pains to find it.
Question 52:
Divine Father, You have informed us that this is the last phase of the Inferior Era beginning the Advent of Annihilation(5) or the Period of the Last Judgement.
You told us that we should lead the life of spiritual perfection by "Accumulating Spiritual Merits together with Developing Clairvoyance" in order to progress on time.
However, in Christianity, followers are advised only to aim for the accumulation of Spiritual Merits by the performance of the social activities.
They are not taught any spiritual ascesis of the Meditative Contemplation as a way to liberation. Thus, how can Christians progress on time?
In reality, Christianity is somewhat behind in the search for the Esoteric Science of Non-Being. Therefore, when the transition period comes making way for the Wisdom Era, I will act(66) so as to develop the Christian mind regarding this science.
Because the spiritual ascesis must not be bypassed if they want to avoid the karmic transmigration, the gulf of darkness and sorrow of the earth-world.
In order to be liberated, you should practice the spiritual ascesis of the meditative contemplation so the energy of the Female (Yin) and the Male (Yang) Principles within your corporeal-microcosm can come into union to fecundate the Sarira Sacred Embryo(143).
It is only when the Sacred Embryo is procreated that your Soul can return to the Sphere of the Sacred Void and of the Supreme Liberation.
If you lead the life of spiritual perfection only by devoting yourselves to Charity Deeds, after you leave your physical body, you will enjoy a certain time of happiness in the Sphere of Saints.
Afterwards, you must be transmigrated karmicly back to earth to continue the evolutionary process until your spirit can reach the Sphere of Liberation.
Therefore, a number of My children in Christianity will be selected to receive the benediction of the Holy-Spirit in order to guide other Christians in the practice of the method of the meditative contemplation so they can return to the Sphere of Liberation.
Because the method of meditative contemplation is not only restricted to Buddhism or Taoism etc..., any religion can make use of it to accede to the inner peace and the lucidity, and to create an opportunity to be close to the Spirit they venerate.
For example, My children in Christianity can also meditate(150) and concentrate their thoughts to contemplate GOD.
If there are some among you whose friends are Christians, you should initiate them to the Esoteric Science of Non-Being in order to help them get a good health and a lucid mind.
Relative to the invocation, you should instruct them to invoke mentally: "I praise the Lord, Father Almighty, to please attest my realization of the Spiritual Way", while thinking of GOD at the top of their head, with incisors against incisors and their tongues curled up lightly touching the upper gum. On the Meditative Contemplation, instruct them to think of the Union with GOD.
If you tell them to do so, they will no longer be skeptical and perplexed but will, on the contrary, realize that the meditative contemplation does even bring them closer to the Spirit they worship. And then, if they accept to practice the method assiduously, they will probably see GOD with their Wisdom Eye, and ascend with their Soul(140) to meet GOD Himself while being still alive on earth.
Actually, there already exists a small number of gracious Christians who have received My Grace to practice the method of meditative contemplation and have succeeded in opening their Wisdom Eye (26) and their Cranial Psychic Center(136), experiencing many Non-Being phenomena so they know further that Buddha and Jesus Christ are, after all, coming from the same Origin.
My Christian children may fail to note that before He went out to preach for the redemption of the world, Jesus Christ went into seclusion in the desert, fasting for 40 days(151), to purify His physical body and concentrate His Spiritual Energy through the Meditative Ecstasy(145).
He communicated with GOD, the Father, and received more spiritual energy and blessing to fulfill the mission of initiating the Spiritual Way to guide and save humanity.
Christ gave the example to humanity to let them see that if men wish to get closer to GOD and communicate with Him, they should find solitude to devote themselves to the vacuity of their own self and get rid of all worldly thoughts so their Soul can unite with GOD, the Creator.
It was the example given by Jesus to instruct men to search inward for the meditative contemplation in order to create the propitious conditions to reach up and unite with GOD. Christians have read this important passage from the Bible but few of them have paid enough attention to Christ's example.
It is the same for Buddhist children. They have read on the "Life of Buddha"(152) but do not follow His example.
They would like to attain Nirvana(30) to reach the Sphere of the Sacred-Void, to avoid the Cycle of Metempsychosis(60) and the Karmic Transmigration, but they only confine themselves to the worship of the Buddha statues, to invoke Him for blessings or implore Him for the deliverance of their Souls, so they can arrive to Buddha's Realm.
Thus, when can they avoid the Cycle of the Four Griefs (birth, old age, illnesses, death) to accede to the Sphere of Liberation? Why don't they realize that it is not through the worship of statues, the recitation of the Sutras, or the beating of the wooden tocsin that Buddha was able to reach Nirvana? At what moment in Buddha's life when He was striving for spiritual perfection, that you can see Him burn incense sticks or recite the Sutras for the realization of the Spiritual Way?
Clearly enough, Buddha must have practiced the Spiritual Ascesis, concentrated His Spiritual Energy to reach the Meditative Ecstasy, interiorize the spiritual light by reflection(58), and keep His body pure and serene with His mind void.
Thanks to it, He was then able to fuse His Three Gems and unite his Five Vital Breaths Energy to form the Sarira Sacred Embryo(143).
His Original Spiritual Energy was elevated to the Transcendency and His two Principles of the Female (Yin) and the Male (Yang) came into union, which makes Him pure, impassive, serene, and happy in the felicity of Nirvana.
Most of the Buddhists nowadays are devoted to the worship of statues. They psalmodize the Sutras at the rhythm of the wooden tocsin beats so Buddha can hear and bless them, but they do not strive at mastering the essence of the Sutras by:
Leaving behind the disturbance of their minds Seeking a means to elevate to the Transcendancy(153) Following Buddha's example Collecting the thoughts, Concentrating the Spiritual Energy Striving to proceed forward assiduously Perfecting the meditative contemplation(121) In doing so, there will be hope To avoid the Six Ways of Metempsychoses(60) And the Four Griefs of the Karmic Transmigration, To achieve the spiritual sublimation And return to the Sphere of Liberation.
Therefore, after so many thousand years, religions have been reformed and modified little by little in their traditions. The very early True Teachings have fallen into the hands of the profane people who have ruined the key to the Spiritual Way by modifications, changes, and revisions.
As for Confucianism, most of the Confucianists of the posterior generations learn by rote the few words in the Four Books and the Five Canons(154) to bluff the illiterate populace or, by intrigue, to secure high positions, fame, and the privileged rights of the governing class.
They do not learn to open their Minds, to enlighten their Consciousness, perfect their Nature(155) in conformity with Humanism. They do not learn for the fulfillment of their Human Duties so as to build a solid background for the Divine Way.
Taoism, which originally taught about the Principle of the Celestial Mechanism, or the Esoteric Gnosis of the Universal System of Yin and Yang, has now regressed from the eminent Non-Being worship to the speculative superstitions of witchcraft, medium trance, or magical powers for invoking wind and rain(156) etc...
It induces man to adore illusory utopias, but does not lead him to the real beauty of the Supreme Wisdom!
With Buddhism, the original traditions have been lost and the change has gone from the abstruse esoteric level to the exoteric idolatry.
Most of the adepts mechanically rely on the Sutras but do not perceive the real essence of Buddha's teachings by which one has to look within to seek for the Buddha-Nature(157) instead of doing like many Buddhist worshippers who keep on projecting their attentions to the external world, and preoccupy themselves with the recitation of the Sutras, the beating of the wooden tocsin, the cults of the wooden or cement Buddha from which they expect to get protections.
That is why, little by little, Buddhism has fallen into infatuation, intransigeance, and idolatry to finally lose its true tradition and can no longer attain that ethereal spirituality. Therefore, the Souls of Buddhist worshippers cannot arrive to the Sphere of Liberation and must return to transmigrate karmicly and learn again how to evolve further.
As for Christianity, the Vatican's prime concern is to consolidate the power of the Sovereign Pontiff and its clergy: the Religious Leaders do not live up to the teachings of Christ and do not guide their disciples accordingly - it is to the extent that, in the face of an imminent threat of a total, destructive war to mankind, the Divine Mother had to make Her Apparition at Fatima(158) in World War I with an urgent message severely warning the Vatican and Christian followers to immediately repent, make penitence, and put into practice the teachings of Christ.
The Divine Mother has ordered the Vatican to set the examples in order to exhort Christians to adopt the vegetarian regimen according to the will of GOD(159). They should not eat the flesh of the aniamls but should only eat vegetables, fruits, and grains instead.
These conditions are extremely important to save people and help them avoid the internecine massacres, which entail in the Karma of Massacre leading to the death of millions of human beings, by devastating wars, and even the total destruction of mankind! That is the Divine Grace that GOD extends through the Fatima Apparition to warn mankind for its salvation.
However, since that time, the Vatican has not yet made any noticeable improvement.
Therefore, I would like you to know that if this continues, the Vatican of Rome will witness its own downfall before the end of this century in accordance with the Warning of the Divine Mother.
It can be said that this is the Period of Degeneration for Ancient Religions, which is also called the Period of Decadence of the Law(160). Thereby, in the next era, when I make My Apparition openly and officially in the Transitional Period, the background of the Supreme Spirituality and Sublime Morality will be reformed, restored, and applied to the episode of Religions Unification.
What is this episode of Religious Unification? It is the Return of the Three Religions and the Reintegration of the Five Spiritual Branches to Oneness. The Return of the Three Religions to the Source means that the Three Religions: Confucius, Buddhism, Taoism should return into One Unity.
For the Reintegration of the Five Spiritual Branches to Oneness, which are the Way of Human Beings, the Way of Divinities, the Way of Saints, the Way of Immortals, the Way of Buddhas, all must become united into the Same Origin.
Thereby, all diverse sects and different religions in the world are included in these Five Branches. There will be a time for them to return to the Original Source which is GOD. Because all religions and sects are different means that GOD has sent to the world to set a foundation of Spirituality and guide humanity through the means of evolution.
Those means belong to the Sphere of Purity, to the force of Goodness of the Universe to guide humanity toward lucidity. Human beings, because of their lack of consciousness, infatuation, and intransigeance, pit one religion against another and affirm their own as the Truth...
They do not understand that all Spiritual Ways are coming from One Original Source! Buddha, Christ, Lao-Tsu, Confucius, or other Religious Leaders who have been sent to earth by GOD, have all received the mission from HIM to descend to the world at different periods in diverse geographical places to teach the Spiritual Way, to open the mind and heart of people so they can be receptive to Spirituality and Morality in order to evolve and return to GOD.
These are means that GOD sends to His Small Individual Souls so they can open the way back to their Homeland.
Because they lack of knowledge of the Truth, men become jealous, egocentric, and live in constant dissidence and conflict.
That gives rise to the division, the discrimination between religions and sects and a deficient implementation of the spirit of Compassion, Love, or the teachings of their Religious Leaders, causing disorder to the Spiritual Way and in turn disrupting the worldly life.
Therefore, in the near future, I will step forward to take charge of the Scheme of Religious Unification. This is a Great Event for Heaven and Earth, and for all your Souls. All of you should at any cost achieve it; for, unless you can make it, the day of your Return to the Origin will never happen.
Indeed, if you are still unable to unit, it means you are not yet willing to reconcile with each other, to exert the Universal Love and are still intolerant, jealous, narrow-minded, haughty and arrogant, lacking in Compassion and Charity.
Since your Human-Nature is not yet fulfilled, by what criteria are you to be chosen for the Wisdom Era? You should know that the Spirit of Concord, of Harmony and of discrimination is the minimum criterion of admittance to the Wisdom Era.
Because you have to know that the Wisdom Era is the Era of the Great Harmony and Concord of the world, with a society to be built up by the people who know love and respect to each other, who treat each other as brothers and sisters, without any distinction of race, color, creed, or social status. Men in this society must have a high Morality and must possess a certain level of Compassion and Chairty.
Therefore, if anyone among you is still intolerant, jealous, egoistical, discriminating, unreconciliable, and unable to show love and harmony in life, then you will naturally be eliminated from the Registration of the Elects(161).
And unless you are selected for the Great Assembly of the Elects, your day of return to the Origin will never come. Therefore, the scheme of Religious Unification must succeed and its success or failure depends on whether you agree or not to converge back to your Origin.
You should keep in mind that one must converge onself back to the Origin, because Convergence means Return to Oneness. My children, the failure to converge oneself is the Way of No Return! You should know that!
Question 53:
Divine Father, there are representatives in the Pure Sphere assigned to help man progress. Is that true that the Impure Sphere also has emissaries to pull man down?
Of course, My children. That is the Law of Evolution! The world has the most dynamic environment for Small Individual Souls to learn thanks to the forces of Action and Counter-Action between Impurity and Purity.
If the Pure Sphere has representatives to guide man's progress upward, the Impure Sphere also has its forces to pull man downward. There is no lack of henchmen of evil, disguised as human beings to lure mankind to evil.
My children, you ought to know that both the Pure and Impure Spheres have all sorts of emissaries in every domain of religion, literature, philosophy, art, politics, economics, science etc... in which exist both Good and Evil in order to provide enough occasions for mankind to learn the Truth in every aspect.
I allow praising GOD then denying GOD, adoring HIM and then insulting HIM, theism then atheism, materialism then spiritualism, this doctrine to conceive the Truth in this way, then other doctrine to look at the Truth in another way, one philosophy leading man to evil, another guiding man to Good, some scientific discoveries relieving man from sufferings, and some others exterminating them.
All have been disposed by the will of GOD! Representatives of Good and Evil, both receive the mission from GOD to contribute to the Evolution of Humanity.
My children, those are but the "Actors" who are either "Sympathetic" or "Hostile", appearing on the worldly stage to perform the roles and acts and sequences of which GOD is the Playwright and also the Great Stage Producer.
Great men of the world such as: philosophers, religious leaders, great writers, great poets, famous painters, great scientists, great politicians, outstanding economists, wise kings, well-known generals, debauched kings, and dictatorial leaders etc... All have their missions in the Evolutionary Wheel or the Celestial Mechanism.
Question 54:
Divine Father, how do You treat those representatives of the Impure Sphere who, as the henchmen of Satan, are incarnated and disposed by You to inflict evil tragedies to the world once they have played their roles?
They will be chastised in the Deep Sphere of Obscurity and Sorrows.
Question 55:
Divine Father, though expanding crime, they have carried out their missions according to Your Will. Therefore, shouldn't they be credited for their doings?
Exactly, having carried out the mission of My Will, they have indeed rendered a service. Therefore, I reward them by chastising them: I have given them the fruit they had sown and grown.
My children, once you understand, punishment is just reward and reward is just punishment. In summary, that is but the Law: "you will reap what you have sown".
Question 56:
Divine Father, since You are also responsible for the arrangement of such a devilish work. Do You then reap the karmic consequences?
Yes, indeed! Having arranged for that, I must naturally bear the karmic retributions. How do I bear it? My children, I bear the karmic retributions right within the person who is ill-treated as he is a divine Soul of Mine. When he is ill-treated, I am also ill-treated. For that reason, right at this moment, GOD is being ill-treated, chastised, immersed in sorrows and HE is bearing the karmic retributions in heavy, dark, and wretched hell through those sinful Small Individual Souls.
In conclusion, every event ultimately originates from ME, is disposed by ME, and is ME. I am the Director, the Producer, the Playwright, the Actor: Star, Figurant... Everything is but ME.
I write the play, I set up the scenes and assume both wicked and nice roles, both bad and good through those performers who are My Small Individual Souls.
Therefore, I am both the Cause and the Consequence, the Starting Point and the Very End. This is the Infinite Eternal and Immutable Truth.
Question 57:
Divine Father, You said that the Impure Sphere exists in the Universe and so does Hell. But the Divine Amitabha Buddha has made 48 most Great Vows(162). When can He possibly fulfill those vows in order to return to the rank of True-Knowledge.
You are right, my children. The existance of hell never vanishes from the Truth. The Impure Sphere always subsists. If it is ever gone, the Universe would collapse instantly.
Amitabha must therefore work forever. Amitabha Buddha or the Buddha of the Infinite Light represents the Force of Lucidity of the Universe.
This Force of Lucidity works forever in the Truth against the Force of Ignorance by pulling it upward.
So does the Force of Ignorance against the Force of Lucidity by pulling it downward. It is by antagonism, by mutual repulsion and attraction that these two Forces have been able to create the everlasting Vital Force of the Universe and to support and nourish the Eternal Life of the Immutable Truth.
Thus, Amitabha never fulfills His Great Vows and never returns to the rank of Perfect-Knowledge(163).
Indeed, Amitabha Buddha always stands with Purity and Lucidity but never as Perfect-Knowledge, which is the state of the True-Knowing of the Universe.
Do you know why, My children? Because the True-Knowing comprises Pure-Knowing and Impure-Knowing, in other words, the Knowing of Lucidity and the Knowing of Ignorance must manifest themselves at the same time to form the True-Knowing or Perfect-Knowledge.
The rank of the True-Knowledge is but the position of the Supreme Lord or the Supreme Position of the Truth.
So, Amitabha Buddha will remain forever in the rank of Lucidity but will not attain the rank of Perfect-Knowledge.
My children, you should make that clear distinction.
Question 58: Divine Father, what do You think about Your famous children like A. Gide, Nietzche, Rimbaud, T. Wolfe etc... who do not care to return to You? They think that even if You do really exist and no matter how happy, beautiful, wealthy, and abundant is Your Heavenly Home, they still love the world with its joys and sorrows.
My children, those men of letters do play their parts in depicting the world under its multitudinous facets to illustrate one part of the essence of GOD, which is the Truth.
These men have contributed to the cycle of the learning evolution of man in the recognition of the world by making him feel attached to its beauty, live with passion, and have an intense love for the sweet and the bitter, joy and sadness, the good and the bad in his existence on earth.
They were simply carrying out their tasks in exposing a small facet in the vast domain of GOD!
As to your question of how I take their refusal to return to My house, My answer is that it is not surprising at all if they are still unaware of the infinite abundance of My House and if what they love is but a tiny part of this Great Home! My children, if you prefer the beauty of the earth to the beauty of Heaven, you had better return to GOD to fully enjoy it.
In truth you should know that no one loves the earth more than GOD and no one does have more passion, more attachment for it than HIM, or is in a better position than HIM to taste and enjoy all of its sophisticated and intricated aspects.
Only GOD does truly appreciate all its traits and all of its flavors, nauseous or fragrant, coarse or subtle, simple or sophisticated. Only HE does fully admire all of them, may they be ugly and disgusting or may they be resplendent and noble! Do you know, My dear children, that at every second, every minute, GOD's thoughts of Love and Willpower vibrate incessantly in every breath and every moving cell in the Living Soul of the world?
In short, the earth is but a small part among myriads of others of the Great Home of GOD where you departed from and do not care to return to. It is one of the various beauties of GOD or of yourselves.
My prodigal children! (164) Do your best to return to the Ancient Dwelling in order to regain all the traits of your Nature. To come back to the Dwelling of GOD is to return to yourselves so as to discover your True Nature and truly appreciate its beauty.
Question 59:
Divine FAther, if one sees the Venerable Sanctified Body, a symbolic representation of GOD, in his dream, is it because You allow that to happen? To what level of self-realization can one perceive Your Divine Energy and ascend to where You resider?
You can perceive My spiritual energy at any level if I allow you to. But the state of perception varies with the level of evolution of the Divine Soul, the circumstances, and the energy that I extend to you.
Those whose Souls are yet unenlightened and who have not reached Clairvoyance may usually see GOD in their dreams thanks to whatever Divine Energy I grant them, so they can think of ME and remember of their Spiritual Origin(165).
At a more advanced stage, the adepts can see ME under a Sacred Image after having succeeded in concentrating their Spiritual Energy, or in special cases such as the medium Chon-An whom I have allowed to perceive ME.
As for Luong Si Hang, who has attained the levle where He can grasp the energy of the five elements(166) and can grasp the energy of the five elements(166) and master the six supranormal powers(40), He can see ME anytime as He wishes.
I usually let Him perceive My Divine Energy through the physionomy of the Venerable Sanctified Body at various ages, sometimes even as a young child. However, visions of My Divine Energy are exteriorized in accordance with the degree of evolution of your Souls and the circumstances.
Manifestations are innumerable and indescribable! I merely mention a few typical cases to give you an idea, but if you want to reach the place where I reside or the Center of Vital Energy of the Universe, you have to be extremely pure and enlightened. You must have at times heard of anecdotes of those who ascend to Heaven to render hommage to the Jade Emperor(167) at the Celestial Palace.
This is a way of saying for in reality, while being bless by My Divine Energy, they can only stay at a distance from ME. The purer and lighter you are, the close you can get to the Center(168) where I reside.
There are Souls who have attained Clairvoyance and who have obtained My Blessing for paying tribute to ME and presenting themselves to the Celestial Court that is the "Palace of White Jade".
There are also Spirits such as the Great Immortals to accompany and give them support in intensifying their spiritual energy, but if it is not pure enough, they still have to keep a certain distance while trembling and being incapable of raising their heads because of My Overwhelming Radiance.
Even with His level of purification or enlightenment, His supranormal powers or an energy that can reach Nirvana, Luong Si Hang (Mr. Tam) still cannot approach ME though I let Him to.
His spiritual energy instanly disintegrated more than once when He tried to come to ME of His own and I had to supply Him with My Divine Energy so that HE could come forward to greet ME and show ME His love. For further knowledge, you can consult with Him about this event...
In summary, I am the Sphere of Energy and of Light, Infinite and Incommensurable, Dynamic and Intense. All the dwellings and spheres ranging from impure to pure, from heavy to light, and from dark to bright, are but frequencies of My Divine Energy. These dwellings and spheres are maintained, nourished, and kept active due to the Divine Energy supplied from the Center of the Universe. It can be so called a place where the Vital Force of the Cosmic Universe originates.
Question 60:
Divine Father, Mr. Tam said before that the Jade Emperor(32) resides in the Sphere of Mid-Heaven which is lower than the Sphere of Nirvana. We thought that the Jade Emperor who belongs to the Sphere of Terrestrial-Immortals is inferior to Buddha, but since Your Apparition in our School of Non-Being, You have allowed Mr. Tam to undergo many supranormal phenomena and enhance His lucidity a great deal.
As for us, we are also fortunate to get more knowledge about many sublime and new things that had never been mentioned before in any Sacred Books. Due to it, we learn that after reaching the State of Buddha, one still has to advance further to come to You. However, we keep wondering why You reside in the Sphere of Mid-Heaven that is lower than the Sphere of Buddhas?
My children, the majority of Buddhists as well as you in the school of Non-Being always visualize the Jade Emperor to be the King residing in diverse celestial planes of Heaven, which are inferior to the Sphere of Buddhas.
In fact, those Kings of the Low Celestial Planes whom you often imagine are but those same "Celestial Kings or Celestial Lords" etc... who departed from ME to look after different areas. My children, you should know that everything in the Universe is planned and disposed by ME; at every level of the Spheres from low to high, I have to show My Presence under various aspects to look after the evolution of My Small Divine Sparks of Light.
And the network of organization and coordination of My Tasks are infinitely grandiose, extremely complex and indescribably subtle that your profane mind cannot grasp. That is the reason why I said that I am concurrently Director, Screen Composer, Producer, Actor, and Performer. Thus I manifest My presence in every sphere and plane in all roles from minor to major, in humble as well as illustrious men.
You asked ME why I reside in the Sphere of Mid-Heaven which is lower than the Sphere of Buddha. Well, I inform you that, though I reside in the Sphere of Mid-Heaven, the place is the Center of the Universe from where comes the Source of Vital Energy that puts into motion the Great Mechanism of the Entire Cosmos.
My Residence is lower than the Sphere of Nirvana but I see, understand, and possess all the states of every sphere and plane from extreme impurity to extreme purity. Therefore, the Sphere of Nirvana is an integrated part of the Great Body of the Supreme Lord(169), and it is sustained by the Thought and the Will of His Divine Power.
My children, to make it easier, you should look at your physical body, which is the Microcosm over which your Soul is reigning. Aren't you, the Small Spark of Light of My True Divine Spirit(47), who is the Lord assuming command over the entire Microcosm?
And doesn't your Soul, the Master of the Microcosm, actually reside in the Heart(170) of your body, which corresponds to the Sphere of Mid-Heaven of the Microcosm that you are looking after? Don't you see that the Soul does not even reside at a superior position in the physical body to manage all activities concerning the corporal mechanism?
Therefore, most of you in the School of Non-Being have so far considered that since I reside in the Sphere inferior to Buddha, I am not equal to Buddha!
When I appeared in the School of Non-Being, with Tam having the good fortune to meet ME, someone asked ME whether GOD is greater or smaller than Buddha. I answered that GOD is smaller than Buddha, equal to Buddha, and also greater than Buddha. GOD is, at the same time, ghosts, demons, soil, metal, stones, vegetation, animals, human beings, Deities, Buddha, and even Buddha's Father.
So, having reached the rank of Buddha, one still has to advance to the position of GOD. Actually, what is Buddha? Buddha is Purity, the Lucid Nature of the Universe, but Buddha is not the the Omniscience, the PERFECT-KNOWLEDGE. Buddha is only the Nirvana, the Pure Sphere, the Lucid Sphere of the Universe but Buddha is not the Universe.
Buddha is not yet the Truth! Buddha has not yet attained the internal Truth, since the Truth must comprise both Purity and Impurity.
Buddha discards impurity and does no longer want to commit it. He no longer bears the state of evil and impureness. Therefore, Buddha has not yet reached Omniscience and Omnipotence, the Perfect Good, the Absolute Beauty so as to fully possess Compassion, Lucidity, and Courage.
Indeed, since Buddha has purged Himself of Impurity and so can no longer commit Impurity, He then cannot be considered as Omniscient, Omnipotent, the Perfect Good and the Absolute Beauty.
Buddha does not have enough "Great-Compassion" to support the State of Evil, Impureness, Darkness, Ignorance, or to endure sorrows or to even be a Ghost or Demon in order to effectively help the incessant Evolution of the Universe, and so does not have sufficient Compassion and Courage.
And if He lacks Compassion and Courage, then Buddha's Lucidity cannot be fully developed. Buddha only likes Purity to dislike Impurity, only likes the Brightness to dislike Darkness, which makes Him still "infatuated" and "intransigeant".
He is not yet truly "Non-Being", not truly "in harmony", or truly present in every state of Void-of-Void (30), therefore, He cannot accede to the Void-of-Void.
In brief, Buddha must learn more in order to be Omniscient, Omnipotent, and to truly understand Compassion, Lucidity, Courage. Buddha has Great Compassion, Great Lucidity, and Great Courage by your standard, but still lacks Compassion, Lucidity, Courage in terms of the Absolute Truth, which is GOD, the Lord of Supreme Compassion, Supreme Lucidity, Sumpreme Courage, for Buddha cannot yet comport Himself like the Supreme Lord.
Thus, to develop His Lucidity for further progression, Buddha must conquer the thought of discarding Impurity in order to learn, to love Impurity by going back to possess Impurity again.
You might ask why having learned and possessed the impure lessons when He was still ignorant and having progressed from impureness to pureness Buddha has to learn that impure lesson again. How come? I am going to explain to you as follows:
You should know that Buddha has previously learned the impure lessons with His ignorant, blind mind. Then Buddha has to leave it behind to progress to the Sphere of Purenesss and Lucidity.
But being pure and lucid, Buddha has not yet reached the Truth because the Truth must have Lucidity and Darkness, Impureness and Pureness at the same time.
Therefore, if Buddha wants to progress further to reach to the Truth or to obtain the essence of the Truth, He must descend once more to Impurity to evolve further again. But this time, with His potential Lucidity, Buddha with return to Impurity with His Lucid Mind, to look at it and conceive it in Wisdom, or enter into the Sphere of Impurity, while being in full control to taste Impurity and endure it not out of Ignorance but out of Compassion, Lucidity and Courage. For that reason, the deeper Buddha descends to Impurity the purer He becomes.
The more He plunges into Darkness and Heaviness, the brighter and lighter He becomes with His Compassion, Lucidity and Courage developing more and more to Infinity.
When Buddha can realize both Pureness and Impureness at the same time, when His spiritual energy can vibrate and integrate into every state from Impurity to Purity, from Darkness to Lucidity, He will then get access to the Truth, achieve every essence of the Truth, unify Himself with the Great Sphere of Divine Light of the Universe.
He will reside at the position of the Supreme Lord, and at that moment only, Budda will really get into harmony with the Void-of-Void.
Therefore, if a Soul returning from the heavy and impure Sphere to the serene and lucid One enjoys the Nirvana site and clings to the delight of its quietude and blissful felicity, being unwilling to go further, then that is also Infatuation, a sort of "Buddha's Karma of Greed and Foolishness".
To be passionately fond of Purity and Serenity, of Lucidity and Felicity, and to always remain at the same place, refusing to advance, hinders His evolution and violates the Law of Evolution of the Universe.
This is a misbehavior or also a sin at the rank of Buddha! Remember that the Truth cannot be in stagnation, it must always evolve, always be in motion so that it can be eternally immutable. To be truly at rest, truly in peaceful felicitiy, you have to work incessantly. That is the Truth!
Therefore, having attained Nirvana, Buddha only enjoys Purity, Serenity, and Felicity but not yet the state of Extreme Purity, Extreme Serenity, Extreme Felicity in order to reach the exquisite, ethereal, infinite, incommensurable happiness! You should keep in mind that one must be simultaneously in all states of Impurity, Purity, Hell, Earth, and Nirvana etc... to be able to relish thoroughly all the beauty, splendid and infinite blissfulness.
Question 61:
Divine Father, this is the first time in the history of mankind's philosophy that we really hear You explain about new and transcendental thinkings concerning the Nature of Greed, Anger, Foolishness and Sexuality etc... of human beings, of things that are still inaccessible to the doctrines and philosophies of the world! This is also for the first time in a couple of thousands of years since the enlightenment of Sakya-Muni Buddha that we hear of Buddha's need to learn more for progress because He does not have sufficient Compassion, Lucidity, and Courage.
You have pointed out to us Buddha's Karma of Greed, Anger, Foolishness, and sins. Those notions are really sublime for in the history of mankind, no one has ever ventured a statement such as Yours. These things will certainly cause effervescence in the history of philosophy of the world.
So far, we have been thinking that Buddha has been cleansed of His Greed, Anger, Foolishness and carnal desires etc... and has attained the rank of Great-Knowledge for His past life of spiritual perfection; and that by attaining Nirvana, He has already reached His final achievement!
My children, Buddha is a Great-Knowledge before mankind but He is still "ignorant" before the Supreme Truth! He is a Great-Knowledge but not the Omniscient. Buddha's knowledge is in fact great, immense, however, Buddha does not know everything, and He has yet to learn to arrive at the rank of Omniscient or True-Knowledge.
And, if you consider that to arrive to Nirvana is already perfection, the ultimate end, then let ME ask you: is Truth limited? Evidently, you would answer that the Truth is without limit.
Well, why don't you continue after having reached Nirvana? Indeed, My children, why should the Truth be limited at the level of Nirvana? Why should it end up at that level? Therefore, I just have the occasion to develop your mind so you can understand more about the Truth. This is only a brief notion for you to understand about the evolution at the level of Buddha according to the language and the degree that you can assimilate. Those things are really sublime.
Here, I only tell you a little bit so you can have some notions to allow you to look at the Truth with a broader view.
I cannot explain to you the way I have explained to the level of Buddha. It is called for the moment as the "Truth of Non-Vehicle"(171) that at your level of enlightenment, you will not be able to understand. To hear about it will only make you perturbed, confused, and fall into aberrations.
"The Supremely Sublime Vehicle" that I have brought down to your level to fit your limited mind may not even be within your grasp; then how can you understand the "Supremely Sublime Non-Vehicle" when explain at the level of Buddhas? For the time being, what all of you have to do is to strive will all your efforts to clear up step by step the way from Impurity to Purity.
The Karma of Greed, Anger, Foolishness etc... and the sins of Buddha's level are things that you have to learn and strive day and night to attain.
I hope you will reach that Sphere for My sake? To arrive to the pure and serene Sphere of Nirvana is already a great achievement because, at that "station", you can almost fully recognize the true face of the Truth.
Therefore, I only give a brief difference between GOD and Buddha. Only Spirits from the level of Luong Si Hang (Mr. Tam) onwards are able to listen to and understand My teachings for they have mastered their five elements, acquired their six supranormal powers and their sacred light of spiritual energy so as to reach Nirvana!
This is a great spiritual rewarding incident for the progress of Luong Si Hang's devotional life of perfection. Thanks to His encounter with the "Venerable Sanctified Body"(8) on earth, He can experience and learn, through the aspects of Non-Being and Being at the same time, innumerable things in the history of the Universe.
This extraordinary fact occurred due to a rare predestinated event because I unexpectedly select a deserving creature of a spiritual level to accede to the Truth and is able to explain the "Non-Vehicle doctrine".
Due to that fact, My Transcendental-Light(172), radiating down(173) from the Sphere of Extreme Purity to the Sphere of earthly Impurity has been able to realize its majestic lucidity through the preachings at the level of Buddha without being distorted thanks to the extent of comprehension of this terrestrial body.
Moreover, the spiritual realization of this Venerable Person has been attested by ME as qualified enough in ranking dignity to receive My Divine Energy in order to explain to those of the high level of evolution who are still present on the Visible Sphere. Later on, when I really make My Apparation and set Myself down to work, I will create special occasions for those Personalities at high levels of spiritualization to come from diverse places to learn from the Venerable Sanctified Body.
In conclusion, I want to make it clear to you that everything is but the Law of Evolution for the sake of Evolution, for the aim of the never-ending Evolution with a view to exist eternally.
Everything must function and evolve unceasingly. Hell, Earth, Nirvana etc... are only stages on the itinerary of the Small Individual Souls, destined to contribute to the goal of their Evolution! Especially, this stage on earth is the meeting place between the two opposing forces of Purity and Impurity, which are manifested the most vigorously and buoyantly! That is the most Dynamic School of Evolution of the Universe providing the Small Individual Souls with so much to experience and learn: from the essential problems of the material and spiritual life that mankind has to harbor and fret about to the eventful happenings relating to the sociological, cultural, economical, political, and scientific aspects, or to the progress of the material civiliation in general.
And then, things such as spiritual issues, religious and philosophical doctrines, contradicting theories, and the perturbations of life, from which griefs and joys, and common pleasures followed by painful tragedies, wars, calamities, and unforseen events, all incessantly threaten to cut short to the ephemereal human existence.
All these are occasions for growth put at man's disposition so that the Small Individual Souls can learn to know all about their True Nature, and to improve it so they can progress eternally.
Therefore, the Small Individual Souls descend from the Sphere of Purity to learn in the Sphere of Impurity and from the Sphere of Impurity they next ascend to learn in the Sphere of Purity, to finally learn both Purity and Impurity simultaneously until they reach the Truth at the rank of GOD.
When they have attained the Truth, arrived to the Origin, and harmonized with the Void-of-Void, will they then rest at that point or will they have to proceed further? Of course, they have to proceed further because the Truth cannot stop its evolution or stagnate.
It has to progress always and be in perpetual motion so it can survive as being everlasting and immutable. The Truth is an incommensurable and eternal sphere that revolves, looking at itself. It is in existence for itself, learns from itself, and eternally searches to know itself so that it can never get itself lost.
That is why, GOD must forever study about Himself by splitting His Great Soul into Small Individual Souls and assiging them to the world. Some of My children think that it is unsavory to be on the move forever, to have to strive with all their efforts and then after having made the long arduous journey to GOD they must go on further.
My children, it is not boring at all! GOD moves eternally but HE still remains at the same place. HE advances and HE does not advance! And then, because I toil forever, I enjoy felicity forever. In this Universe, there is no one who works more than ME for I do everything.
I work to the extent that it seems I do nothing. I rest forever in happiness! My children, it is because I am in Extreme Motion that I become Extremely Serene. You should put yourselves in My place in order to experience those states! By purely listening to ME, you can never truly understand it!
Therefore, when you arrive at the rank of GOD or are in GOD's position, you will envy and feel the urgent need to learn the Evolution which makes you diverge yourselves into Small Individual Souls to go on studying.
The learning process is indispensible because it is the innate struggle for the survival of the Truth and it is also the Meaning, the Happiness and the Infinite Felicity that embellish the Everlasting Life of the Truth.
Question 62:
Divine Father, I have not understood the Dignity of the "Venerable Jewel-Body" (Sanctified Body)(174). Would You please explain to me?
"Venerable Jeweled-Body" (Sanctified Body) is a mark of dignity that I have granted at the time when I attested the Personality regarding her Spiritual Realization(88).
The word "Jewel-Body"(174) used here means the "Diamond Body of Clairvoyance"(175) which designates a body being under divine purification for indestructibility. Therefore, this Personality has her dignity such as a "DIAMOND BODY OF CLAIRVOYANCE".
Actually, the physical body of this Personality still belongs to the earthly nature because I need to have her in such state. When I feel that it is no longer needed then I will use My Divine Power to purify it and make it indestructible. It is a phonomenon which is hard to conceive but totally true in this 20th century as the world will eventually witness it.
The decision in selecting this Being as the Sanctified Body and symbolical presence of GOD(8), is an important and unexpected decision of GOD concerning the supranormal phenomenon relating to this Personality.
I cannot linger over this to the details, but can express it briefly so you can have a notion about it.
When I borrow(176) this person's body as a receptacle to My Divine Personality; her Soul all at once realizes the Supreme Spiritual Way, accedes to the Truth is a very unexpected and rare circumstance that GOD Himself becomes pleasurably surprised(177).
I then decided right away to attest this Being for her spiritual realization, and bless her physical body for becoming in the future an indestructible Sanctified One, and assign her the mission to replace ME in the Visible Plane to save and guide the world to the Wisdom Era.
When I make My apparition to do My Work, I will act(66) somehow so this world can gradually learn about this extraordinary and rare phenomenon.
Therefore, you will have the occasion to know ME through the Venerable Sanctified Body as an Exceptional Image of GOD manifested in this world at the end of the 20th century.
I will live as a common being on earth, wearing profane rather than ceremonious vestments so as to teach you in human affairs, to disregard the outward appearances and go deep into the heart of the matter.
You have so far had enough "formalities" and "appearances" but very few of you have truly led a life of perfection with your Spiritual-Heart(178).
That is why, I make My apparition this time to teach you the way to abolish your infatuation and intransigeance.
My appearance will be that of an ordinary person with a mode of life simple but free from profanity.
Through the Venerable Sanctified Body, I want to come to the world under a new light, being more profane and also most sublime and transcendental as I can, assuming simultaneously a conduct of Purity and Impurity in order to exteriorize the distinctive traits of the Truth with the purpose of initiating humanity's understanding of GOD during this last half of the 20th century, before the Apocalypse takes place.
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