
Saturday, September 24, 2005

All Questions & Answers About of God:-41-50

Question 41:
Divine Father, please let us know what level of spiritual perfection the adepts of the School of Non-Being should attain in order to be able to save animals' lives and free them from bondage when consuming their meat?

If you who lead the life of spiritual perfection wish to adopt the meat regiment in order to carry out Charity Deeds for the sake of animals, wait until your clairvoyance reaches the level where you can see their souls.

You will then learn that the souls of eaten animals (116) are happy and delighted when they enter your physical body, owing to your spiritual energy; and, after eating their meat, you will manage by your meditation to guide them upwards so they can join you in invoking the Mantric Name of Buddha or can follow your instructions to evolve to higher levels.

You must see such scenes through your clairvoyance to make sure that you can liberate animals by absorbing their flesh. Only at that level should you take the meat regimen!

By the way, I would like to remind you that at the beginning of Tam's life of spiritual perfection, He was in the vegetarian regimen. When Tam attained the level of spiritual enlightenment, He became lucid enough to see the animals' souls and then His spiritual Master Do Thuan Hau recommended to Him the meat regimen by which He could rescue and release the souls of the animals and practice the Charity Deeds. Tam's coporeal-abode has then become cleansed and prepared.

It is a "Blissful Realm" in which these living beings, once being admitted in, can feel happy and can become more enlightened toward perfection. When Bodhidharma(107) and many other patriarchs realized the magnitude of sublimation and attained enlightenment - right on earth - to give assistance to mankind, they were no longer restricted by the food regimen, whether it was of meat or vegetables. They just used whatever was available.

It did not really matter! At their level, these Personalities become of great use by consuming meat.

It is no longer a matter of taste, but rather an Act of Compassion. Tam is one of them! However, I told Tam to resume the vegetarian regimen to set an example to My children in the School of Non-Being, because if He takes the meat regimen, you will also tend to follow suit, and while you have not reached the proper degree of lucidity, your imitation of Him only holds you back in your evolutionary process. This is the reason why Tam had resmed the vegetarian regimen, as you know it.

ADDENDUM(b): Mr. Tam had explained about the vegetarian regimen as follows: "The vegetarian regimen implementation depends on the spiritual level of the individual. A lot of people who have been advised to choose the vegetarian regimen do not observe it. So we prefer to initiate them to the life of spiritual perfection, and let nature do the rest in bringing them to the vegetarian regimen.

We would encourage them in a positive way because at the beginning of my life of spiritual perfection, I also adopted the vegetarian regimen - what else could I eat? If we still fail to persuade the individual to follow the vegetarian diet, we can continue to encourage him to practice the spiritual ascesis until the day he becomed vegetarian for good.

In order to exhort the adepts to eat vegetables instead of meat, a narration about my decision for the vegetarian regimen was used as an illustration: when Mr. Tu (Do Thuan Hau) advised me to consume meat, I did not want to because I could not yet see the souls of the poultry.

I restricted myself to one meal a day. Later, when I reached the level of spirituality where souls of animals were revealed to me, I then felt compelled to save them - But as long as we cannot see them, what can we do? This matter needs to be more explicit but it depends also on the practitioner's level and circumstances.

I cannot impose on anyone, especially those who do not go to the pagoda. When they have truly decided to lead the life of spiritual perfection, they will in due course observe the vegetarian diet.

We do not want to force anyone relating the vegetarian regimen. People would not like it! There are those who take the vegetarian regimen for a few days or a couple of weeks, then revert to the meat diet afterwards. What can be done in such a case? Therefore, they must be responsible for themselves.

You have now heard how I myself came to observe the vegetarian regimen before and became aware of the fact(117). What we need to do is to achieve certain degree of spirituality and practice properly the Respiratory Exercises(118) so the limbs of our body can stay warm even though we are on the starvation diet.

If the practitioners can reach that level then it is no longer necessary to restrict themselves to any food regimen - they may eat a variety of things and still have enough spiritual energy to keep them from being disturbed.

Question 42:
Divine Father, animals are like human beings in that their calamities, their lives and deaths are all predestinated. When their times arrive, they will be killed according to their Karma(14). Why then do we contract the Karma of Massacre by kiling them and make them follow us for revenge?

Their animals are after you for the karmic debts because their evolution is not advanced to the point they can forgive their offenders.

That is the Animal Nature!
It is the same with human beings. If a person shows rancor and intends to retaliate against those who had made him suffer, he is manifestating his Animal Nature.

Therefore, to kill an animal while you are not at a spiritual level to give it more enlightenment and more understanding for its spiritual regeneration only makes the beast hate and come after you for the karmic debts.

Question 43:
Divine Father, if everything is subjected to Karma and predestination, then to make one's living as a fisherman, or animal- breeder is also predestinated. If I am predestined to breed animals, to catch fish and shrimps to feed my fellowmen then do I commit any sins?

All slaughterers or those who kill animals for a subsistence do create blood debts and are thus inviting for bad karmas. If you can ever see the painful resentment of agonizing animals and the scenes where their souls are clinging onto you, their debtors, then you would readily release the slaughterer's knife, losing all will to kill them.

However, that scene is related to the Science of Non-Being, and is not transparent to ordinary eyes.

That is why, because of self-interest and appetite, human beings deliberately slaughter animals without any pity. Now, if you state that your profane eyes cannot see the energy of the slaughtered animals clinging onto you, I am sure your human eyes can still witness the awful spectacles of horrible bloodshed where animals groan and writhe in anguish.

Afterwards, ask your conscience whether it is legitimate for you to take advantage of your strength, skill, and knowledge to live on the blood of these helpless creatures? The feelings of pain and anguish coming from those agonizing animals when their throats are slit do not differ from those of human beings in a similar situation.

Animals also have fears; they also strive at best to escape the impending death. That state of mind, that instinct for struggle does not differ from human beings. Moreover, you make a false allegation by saying: "Other people kill animals for sale; I only purchase the meat for consumption.

I have not killed them with my own hands". But put it another way: there would be no killers if there are no consumers or there would be no supply if there is no demand. Therefore, killers as well as consumers must share the blood debts of dead animals. Thus, when man has truly developed his Human Nature, he no longer wants to kill animals.

As a result, if you do not know, you may not care; but if you do, you should immediately abandon the bad karma in order to progress to a better one. Adopt a way of life that does not involve you with heavy karmas. It may bring you little material profit but from the spiritual aspect, you will be able to contract less karmic debts.

I want to use an example as illustration: One of My children for the School of Non-Being, whom all of you here might have known, has a stock farm. After he has practiced the spiritual exercises of Non-Being for a certain period of time, he saw himself surrounded and attacked by animals during his spiritual ascesis. He later dug ponds to raise fish for profit and saw the fish nibble him during his spiritual ascesis at night.

He became frightened and was tormented by remorse. Afterwards, when he had the opportunity to see ME in person, he asked ME to grant blessings so as to release him sooner from his bad karma. Seeing that he was sincere, I acted(66) as he wished. Now, he is out of his breeding business.

The other day, when I authorized him to pay tribute to ME, he said: "I have a hand for rearing animals and can prosper with it, but after leading a while the life of spiritual perfection according to the Esoteric Science of Non-Being, my character started to change especially when I saw the animals attacking me during my practice of spiritual ascesis, my conscience was tormented, and I no longer wanted this trade for a living. Since I got Your Benediction in having everything solved appropriately, I feel very relieved though I am making a lesser profit".

This is a person unknowingly contracting the Karma of Massacre by a trade that puts him in debts with animals. When you grasp the meaning, make up your mind to shift to a milder and more bearable karma, My children, then you must take resolve dedicating yourselves to the life of spiritual perfection by practicing Charitable Deeds and cultivating Spiritual Virtues so that you may evolve faster.

Only when you evolve to higher levels where you can save and help those animals, will you be free from your debts to them. As you know: Enmity breeds Enmity; if one borrows, one must pay: the greater are the loans, the greater are the debts; and sooner or later, you have the learn it by the law of Cause and Effect that will react upon you.

Question 44:
Divine Father, if the animal species living in the water as well as on land are not slaughtered for consumption by man, then what would become of us when they procreate at infinity and occupy all our living spaces?

My children, if there is creation, there is also destruction: this is the Law of Heaven and Earth. If the animals are not sought after meat, they will be taken care of by the Law of Nature.

Take the example of the aquatic species. Even if man does not catch or kill them, he still witnesses the scenes of big fish eating small fish, or one species being the prey to another.

They hunt and destroy one another incessantly. On the top of that are upheavals in the deep sea with sudden seismic movements decimating them in multitude.

Now, let's discuss about the species on land. If man does not hunt for kills, then the animals living in jungles will be all in the same destroyed by the Law of Nature in the onslaught and the assault of the strong on the weak, of animals eating one another, or by the catastrophes in deep forests such as tempests, and conflagrations, resulting in innumerable animal losses from the wilderness.

This has led man to set up forest protection laws to forbid hunting so that rare animal species can be preserved from gradual extinction.

My subsequent discussion is about livestocks etc... if man does not use them for food, which is a source for profits, they nonetheless die by accident, disease, or old age. Each species has its own life span.

When a dog has lived for more than ten years, he becomes senile and weak, gradually approaching his end in a few years. You may argue that if they are not killed for food, they will procreate in multitude and occupy all the available living space.

Take a look at dogs and cats raised in the Western world: they are not killed for their meat but are given love, care, and are treated as close friends of the family.

Is that the reason for those animals to procreate in multitude until there is no more places for people? Sometimes, they die because of illnesses or old age causing griefs to their owners who want to preserve their lives unsuccessfully.

Livestocks such as cows, pigs, poultry etc... are teeming on earth because they are a source of large profits, leading man to build up intensive breeding farms to stimulate to the maximum their procreation, and use modern artifices to keep them healthy by protecting them from disease and death, and so make more profits.

Nevertheless, there are incidents such as epidemics that decimate livestocks in multitude, causing bankruptcy to farmers.

That is the reason by which the animals are procreated and multiplied in large numbers. It is the hand of man that breeds the animals, that cross-fertilizes and incites them to procreate to the maximum, using modern and sophisticated artifice, for consumption and profits resulting in their presently large numbers. You can see why in Vietnam sheep are rare.

It is because their breeding is not a profitable investment. It proves that if man has no concern in raising livestocks for profits or consumption and does not live on the blood or pains of the animals, then certainly those animals will not procreate and multiply such as to deprive man of vital spaces as you have imagined.

Question 45:
Divine Father, animals are in reality a considerable resource for human life. They provide meat, fur, bone, and leather which are used as raw materials for industrial products. Therefore, they have also contributed to the prosperity of society. The world will then be less prosperous if men adopt the vegetarian regimen and no longer have the need to slaughter them for food.

You are right! Animals are quit a considerable source of supply to make society more wealthy in the field of material life. But that is not the reason for which man feels happier or less grievous.

On the contrary, he has more and more sunk into damnations and become involved in direful tradegies resulting in fatal conflicts, power struggles in which the strong oppresses the weak.

Hence, crime and tragic dramas occur as a result of terrorism and massacres on behalf of the exquisite idealistic slogans: "Man killing Man for the sake of Man" from which the consequences are collective massacres and atrocious wars. These are huge slaughter-houses leading millions of people to death to fulfill the retributions for the past Karma of Massacre.

Don't damnations and sorrows that man is bearing come from the manifestations of the animal aspect of his nature? Don't they come from the loss of morality, of human nature expressed through the settings of conflicts to satisfy selfish interests through scenes of repression, terrorism, war, massacre, and atrocious crimes? Ask yourselves why humanness has gradually faded out? What can explain for those harsh and beastly traits so firmly ingrained in the human shape? Isn't it because men have fed themselves with meat and the blood of animals or have built up their rights and the pleasures on the sufferings of billions of animals without taking into account their Souls and their energies in the field of Non-Being, which are invisible to human eyes.

It is evident that the blood of the eaten animals will integrate with the human bloodstream and alter for certain your human nature to an evil effect which pulls you down toward egoistic avidity and crime, where violence, the oppression of the strong against the weak, the killing and massacre for self-interests, and ambition are what prevail in the lives of animals.

This is to make it clear to you that though the killing of animals has contributed to the material prosperity of human life, it has also deprived human beings of the spiritual happiness.

And then, for sure, the Decadeny Spirituality will eventually bring about the catastrophe and the collapse of the materialistic civilization. The tragedy is imminent and unavoidable! As you have surely seen signs of an atrocious atomic war about to break out in the near futurem which will lead to the total destruction of this civilization, absolutely materialistic and poor in spirituality.

And then, what will be the picture of the world when world communities adopt the vegetarian regimen and abandon the animal slaughter for profity? Certainly, this earth will not have the present kind of prosperity, but thousands of others will take place for the bliss of mankind.

Man will not have meat, skin, bone, and fur or feather to adorn their lives, but they will have a myriad of other means to make their lives prosperous, both materially and spiritually.

Mankind in this society will be united and demonstrate love and respect to one another as brothers and sisters, for whenever people acknowledge the animals' rights to live, they will do likewise for the lives of human beings.

Those are the priceless things that one would not dream of buying even with all the gold of the world. Thanks to his solidarity and mutal love, man in this society will develop intelligence, virtue, creativity and will attain the apogee of his civilization, materially and spiritually.

Humanity in this era will be deeply devoted to the utmost this transcendental science. Metaphysics will be available for studies; it will grow and evolve extensively due to the access of the human body to the mysterious powers.

This society will become a true society of Universal Concord, a type of Paradise(119) on earth.

This perspective is not an Illusion: This society must certainly take shape by the will of GOD, and it will be built up, not on weapons, violence, or blood but on understanding and an evolved moral and intellectual level based on Universal Concord.

This community will only appear in the coming Era of Wisdom with its scheme now being proclaimed and divulged to prepare the way for its inauguration. Henceforth, you are all advised to get your bodies and Souls adequately prepared.

Question 46:
Divine Father, plants have a life of their own, and are also living beings in Nature.
Why should we use them for food while we don't do the same with animals?

Above all, man needs food to feed himself but he must know how to choose a mode of living which goes along with the Natural Law or the Law of Evolution.

And when man uses cereals and vegetables for food, he is conforming to that Law. How? Because in reality he belongs to the living species that feeds on cereals, vegetables, and fruits.

Judged from the biological constituion of the human body from the finger or toe nails to the teeth and the digestive mechanism all human organs are designed for the vegetarian regimen, distinguishing men from other carnivors whose long canines and limbs with sharp and cutting claws are equipped for catching and tearing up preys. Therefore, if man eats meat, he lives in discordance with the Law of Nature, which will impede his evolvement.

From the standpoint of the Non-Being, plants assimilate the Yin-Yang vital breath of Heaven and Earth to perpetuate and procreate. Therefore, their energy is by nature lighter and purer than the energy of animal species. So, when man lives on vegetables, the nature of his spiritual energy is lighter, and is less tainted than if he lives on meat. Therefore, if he lives on animal flesh, his spiritual energy gets heavy and slows down his evolution.

From the view of Spiritual Doctrine, animals have a higher level of evolution and understanding than plants. They have sensory organs and are sensitive to pains like human beings. Though being mentally backward compared to humans, they noticeably possess a developed feeling and intelligence, especially those living close to man.

Therefore, because of their higher level of evolution and understanding, animals must be more susceptible to pains than plants when being slaughtered. You must choose the mode of living which inflicts the least sufferings to other living creatures and which, therefore, conforms more with human nature.

From the point of view of Cause and Effect, the more highly evolved are the animals you kill, the heavier is the debt you contract.

- Killing vegetables and plants involves you less in debt than killing shellfish.
- Killing shellfish involves you less in debt than killing poultry.
- Killing poultry involves you less in debt than killing quadrupeds.
- Killing quadrupeds involve you less in debt than a human being.

To take the life of a wrongdoer involves you less in debt than that of a wise man who leads the life of wisdom and spiritual perfection etc...

You should then choose a way of living that contracts the lesser debts so you will not be held back in your evolution. In summary, all this is to serve the Ultimate Goal, the Constant and Perpetual Evolution of My Small Individual Souls.

Question 47:
Divine Father, in our opinion, the reason that man is against the vegetarian regimen is because it is unappealing and is thought to be detrimental to health.

Your sense of appetite is but a question of habits, which are deeply ingrained in your mind in terms of taste. After you get used to the vegetarian regimen, you will find meat and fish to be nauseous and repulsive to your taste.

Whereas you think that the vegetarian regimen is harmful to your health, you should know that your biological constitution is best fit to take in cereals and vegetables, which contain plenty of nutritious elements necessary for your health.

If the vegetarian regimen is harmful to health, then the hospital must be full of vegetarian patients! But in reality, as you see, most of the patients in the hospitals are those who eat meat and fish. Thus, it is not only the vegetarian regimen that makes man sick. Indeed, if you get sick when taking the vegetarian regimen, that is because you do not feed yourselves properly.

To eat meat without knowing how to nourish yourselves properly can also make you sick. Examine closely the causes of sickness, however.

In truth, if you get sick, it is because you have damaged or weakened your six bowels and your five visceras(104) or have lost your Three Gems(46): the Seminal Essence Energy, the Vital Breath Energy, the Spiritual Energy due to a turbulent and agitated life full of greed, anger, foolishness, pleasure, enervation, hatred, lustfulness etc...

Because when you give yourselves away to sensual passions, your Seminal Essence Energy is lost and when you become worried, troubled, or are craving after earthly desires, your spiritual energy gets dissipated.

The depletion of the Three Geems will cause damage and depression to your Soul and body.

Therefore, I advise all of you to lead a moderate life with a better self-nutrition, to practice the Meditative Contemplation, to perform assiduously the Heart-Dharma in order to preserve the Seminal Essence Energy, the Vital Breath Energy, and the Spiritual Energy so as to ameliorate your nervous system, to heal and fortify your six bowels and five visceras(104) by absorbing the energy of the pure cosmic breath(120) for the purification of your body.

The method of Estoric Science of Non-Being(1) is very effective in keeping your body in good shape if you diligently practice the spiritual exercises. Indeed, it is experienced by many of you that whoever practices the spiritual ascesis effectively will acquire enough energy of the pure cosmic breath for the day, and can contend himself with frugal meals while his organism remains healthy.

Take the case of Tam, Luong Si Hang, whom you may alreadyt know. In the early period of His spiritual life, He only took steamed rice with one boiled tomato daily.

As far as health is concerned, such an austere diet is deficient and can lead to illness or exhaustion. But the reality is that, due to His assiduous practice of the Dharma(56) and good training in the spiritual ascesis, Tam received much energy of the pure cosmic breath; therefore, He reamined rosy and healthy.

In brief, I advise all of My children who practice the meditative contemplation to stick to the vegetarian regimen so as to make the spiritual ascesis become smoother and lighter. If you practice the meditative contemplation and eat meat, your spiritual growth will be awfully held back.

Try to consider the living beings within your microcosm(75) whom you can hardly save or help, especially the gang of the Twelve Visceral Entities(27) that drags you behind and hinders your progress.

How can you take in more living beings and manage to evolve unimpeded, let alone the karmic debts caused by the animals you have previously eaten without being capable to help and guide in their evolution. Time is close, My children, watch out and do not be late!

Question 48:
Divine Father, most Schools of Meditative Contemplation exhort their initiates to abstain from carnal desire.

As to our School of Non-Being, Mr. Tam has said that there is no need to. Just practice the Dharma exercises for a certain time to unblock the energy of the give visceras(104) and the desire for sexuality will be subdued.

But though, most of us have practiced the spiritual exercises for substantial length of time the urge for sexuality still subsists. Everytime we give in to sexuality, we get exhausted and we feel worn out and heavy during our spiritual ascesis.

Would You please let us know whether we should abstain from sexuality so as we can accelerate our progress?


Let ME make Myself clear to all of you.

When you lead the life of spiritual perfection by practicing the meditative contemplation (121), you are working your way to the Lucid Sphere of Liberation. Henceforth, abstinence from sexuality is extremely necessary to the enlightenment of your Soul.

When you give in to it, your organism loses its strength because the whole nervous system must work intensively; furthermore, you will get tired in the aftermath and your Spiritual Energy is diminished relative to the loss of the Seminal Essence Energy.

You must know that the Seminal Essence Energy is fundamental in establishing the Way of Return because when you practice the spiritual exercise, you transmute it into the Vital Breath Energy which in turn creates the Spiritual Energy.

Together, the Seminal Essence Energy, the Vital Breath Energy, and the Spiritual Energy form the Three Gems, also called the "Union of Three Flowers at the Sinciput"(122) which will gradually crystallize into what is known as the "Sacred Embryo" or the "Sarira Pearl"(123).

It will then help you progressively clear the Way of Return. You should know that the Small-Individual-Soul cannot return to the Source and reintegrate to its Origin(124) if It cannot form the "Sacred Embryo".

The spiritual ascesis consists in transmuting the Seminal Essence Energy into the Vital Breat Energy on which the Soul will be nourished and fortified to become more and more powerful and lucid. If you let the Seminal Essence Energy run out, the Vital Breath Energy will be depleted. And if the Vital Breath is depleted, the Spiritual Energy will also be exhausted.

For that reason, your Soul becomes weakened, foolish, infatuated and can longer evolve.

Therefore, the preservation of the Seminal Essence Energy is extremely vital for the Internal Transmutation(12). If you dissipate that essential substance or lose it for good, what else do you use to support your practiece of spiritual ascesis and perfect yourselves on the Way toward Perfection?

When Tam stated that it is not necessary to abstain absolutely from sexuality, He tried to make it easier for you who are still immersed in the Ocean of Miseries, for fear that an advise to an immediate abstinence may frighten and cause you to give up.

Therefore, Tam makes it more bearable, partly to give you a step by step guidance and partly to encourage you toward a conscientious and assiduous practice of the spiritual exercises, so as to bring in the energy of the pure cosmic breath(120) for the purification of the body and the five visceras, which will enable you to disengage gradually yourselves from worldly activities.

But, I let you know that such a progression will take you quite some time! If you invariably give in to your Twelve Visceral Entities(27) everytime they solicity something and satisfy their demands when they overwhelm you with trials, then when will they be aware of themselves and become subdued to you? How long will it take them to get lucid and to be aware of themselves while their Master-Soul is unable to use its lucid will to control and guide them to the Lucid Sphere?

Don't you know that as He was first initiated to the Spiritual Way, Tam resolved to renounce all worldly desires and thoughts to make vows of Good Conduct, to observe the Commandment with patience and He did make sustained efforts to fulfill them? He got quick results by practicing the spiritual exercises, by performing the TAO (Way)(62).

He also promptly reached clairvoyance, attained the six supranormal powers (40), and rapidly rose up to the Sphere of Liberation.

Therefore, if you wish to make fast progress, you should subside gradually and take all your courage to make a great resolve in abstaining from sexuality so that your spiritual ascesis towards the TAO (Way) can attain good results.

Question 49:
Divine Father, when GOD created human beings into the bodies of a Man and a Woman, it is clear that GOD's intention was to give them the capability of sexual union.

This proves to be in accordance with the Law of Nature and can be readily seen in the delicate and subtle biological constitution of the Male and Female bodies, designed for an intimate union with a view of procreation to carry on the human race.

But now, is it against the Law of Nature and in discordance with the Law of Evolution for You to advise that human beings should abstain from sexuality for the sake of the ethical life of spiritual perfection, since You said that the regression of the Law of Nature, which is in discordance with the Law of Evolution, means Destruction? Would You please explain it to us?

The Law of Nature is, in truth, the Law of Evolution. Regression from the Law of Nature means discordance with the Law of Evolution which also means a potential threat of destruction.

You are quite right on this! When GOD creates human beings, HE clearly had the intention to permit sexual union through the physical constitution of two bodies of the Male and Female. Thus, GOD has obviously advocated sexual intercourse for carrying on the continuation of mankind.

That is the Law of Evolution! That is also right on your part! Yet, why have I advised man to abstain from sexuality and follow the Way of Spirituality so he can evolve upwards?

This puzzling fact seems to be a contradiction and has been a controversical topic ever discussed by numerous philosophical doctrines and religions for centuries in millions upon millions of books as one of the most important subjects in men's life. There are doctrines which praise and encourage the pleasure of sexuality, considering it as a because of human nature(126).

There are others which abhor sexuality as something diabolic and hideous sins against GOD(127). Other doctrines, still, consider sexuality as an animal-trait to be overcome(128) aiming for the life of moderation and virtue.

Some advocated sexual abstinence (129) in order to break loos from the karmic cycle of the Four Griefs (birth, old age, illnesses, death).

In summary, great quantities of paper and ink have been used by humanity on this matter trying to find an outlet for mankind. However, it seems that they have not really come up with satisfactory results.

So, what is Sexuality? I let you know that Sexuality is really GOD's Nature. My children, Sexuality is the Truth! It is the Eternal Indestructible Principle that must exist. Sexuality is the Prime Mover of the Cosmos, and the Law that protects the eternal existance of the Immutable Truth by the Principle of the Eternal Mutation and Reproduction of all existences.

If GOD stops the sexuality process for an instant, the Universe will immediately disintegrate. Therefore, GOD must increasingly maintain sexuality and HE has to practice it infinitely.

In the Universe, is there anyone more devoted to sexuality than GOD? GOD realizes sexuality even in a particle of dust, in every micro-organism and every atom.

Is there any atom that does not carry the Union of the two Positive (Yang) and Negative (Yin) forces? Therefore, My children, sexuality must be the Truth within the Law of Constant Evolution.

Yet why are you advised to abstain from sexuality and abandon the natural sexual union between Man and Woman? I will tell you a little bit more on what other sources of philsophy and doctrines have failed to clarify so far.

You should know that in reality, the problem here is not to destroy the nature of sexuality but to develop it further, to learn to know more about it in a superior aspect for the evolvement upwards.

You must always study it to develop it more and more until you know how to devote to the Infinite Sexuality to become Omniscient, Omnipotent. Your itinerary on earth, until your return, is for you to learn sexuality, from the impure to the pure aspect, from the heavy one to the lighter one, from the low level to the high level, at all degrees and steps until you know what sexuality truly is.

You will learn the sexuality of stones, the sexuality of vegetations, then the sexuality of animals, human beings or of Saints, Immortals, and Buddhas etc... until you know sexuality in all aspects. Therefore, you must know that sexuality between human beings is the Law of Nature, but to break yourselves away from it is also in accordance with the Law of Nature and conforms to the stream of evolution of the Universe and of human beings.

Indeed, human beings have learned sexuality between Men and Women. Now, in order to evolve further, to understand more, to get to the higher class, they must learn the higher form of sexuality.

What then is this higher way of sexuality? It is the practice of Spiritual Ascesis, the perfection of the TAO (Way)(62), the practice of Meditative Contemplation(121), My children! This seems to astonish you and may cause some confusions among those who follow the Way of Spiritual Perfection when I say that Meditative Contemplation is a Way of Sexuality. But what else should I say when it has an undeniable existence?

What is Sexuality? It is the union between the Female Principle (Yin) and the Male Principle (Yang) toward acceding to the State of Harmony.

So, when you practice the meditative contemplation, aren't you creating conditions for the Union of the Male and Female Principles within your body? And then, what does the practice of Spiritual Ascesis, the perfection of the TAO (Way)(62) mean? It is the mobilization of the Seminal Essence Energy to transmute the Original Energy of the Seminal Essence into the Original Energy of the Vital Breath, which will unite to the Original Spiritual Energy.

The fusion of those Three Energies will create the "Sarira Pearl" which is the "Sacred Embryo"(123). What else than Sexuality should we call the action of mobilizing the Seminal Essence Energy upward to create the "Sacred Embryo"? To motivate the Seminal Essence Energy downward for the creation of the profane embryo is the terrestrial sexuality.

To do it upward for the crystallization of the "Sacred Embryo" is the sexuality of Immortals and Buddhas.

You said that breaking away from the usual sexual union between Men and Women is contrary to the Law of Nature or the Law of Evolution.

How do you understand the Law of Nature and the Law of Evolution? You said so because you have not yet understood that Law! I want you to know that nowadays human beings are living in discordance with Nature by their practice of sexuality without observing the Law of Evolution. As a result, they fall into depravation and moral depression as we have witnessed in this century.

Thus, what is the Sexuality that is in accordance with the Rules? Practicing Sexuality according to the Rules is that minerals having sexuality in the way of minerals, vegetations having it in the way of vegetations, animals in the way of animals, human beings in the way of human behavior etc... Each species has its own way of sexuality following the rules.

To be able to say what those ways are is a very complex and subtle matter! I cannot go in all details but will give you a brief account of some general notions about it. Without verbalizing, I only begin from the advanced animals whose evolution is closest to human beings.

In the animals: Their feelings and understandings are still rudimental. Sexuality in animals is for the most part the reciprocal attraction between male and female. They do not have love, judgement, or the sense of conjugal duty as in human beings.

For the animals which know love or have the sense of conjugal duty, for example, when the female dies, the male is in a mournful state, refuses to eat, and soon dies. Those are the animals having a certain level of comprehension and understanding which soon evolve to be human beings.

In summary, sexuality in animals depends on their needs and their psychological instinct of procreation through the cycles determined by Nature.
In human beings, their feelings and understandings are more deeply developed.

Because of that, Sexuality in human beings is far more subtle and delicate. Besides the animal attraction between the two sexes, human beings are endowed with reflections, judgement, love, and moral principles.

Therefore, human sexuality is not simply the union between opposite sexes according to the psychological instinct but also a psychological encounter.

That is sexuality according to the Human-Way, which involves both the physical and spiritual elements including love, understanding, and mutual respect, which is also more subjected to moderation than in animals.

That is why, it is said that: "Husband and wife should always be considerate and courteous with each other in their relationship as guests are". It means that they have to behave towards each other with courtesy, love, and moral principles. Human sexuality is so delicate! Because of that, human beings can experience more and enjoy more than animals.

Besides the mutual attraction between the two bodies, there are also the feelings between two souls who love and respect each other. Therefore, sexuality in human beings is more aesthetic, more poetic than in animals. That is the sexuality which belongs to the level of Human Nature.

If someone indiscriminately gratifies his sex urge or yields to the lustful desires without love and respect, he is adopting the beastly type of sexuality: Sexuality according to the animal instinct is the sexuality of animals, not of human beings. If someone participates in this type of sexuality, he is regressing to the level of animal evolution. At that point, sexuality is strictly for the satiation of carnal desire between two bodies, and is not different from the animal level.

Nowadays, the majority of human beings in this world is on the way of sexual degeneration, which is contrary to Nature, the Law of Evolution.

This results in so many painful dramas and crimes caused by sexual depravity! When animal sexuality is exhalted and the animal instinct is nurtured, men's minds are contaminated, causing them to forsworn all dignity, neglect all moral values, intellectual reflections and judgements by which they differ from animals. An individual of this type only looks after his egotistical needs even it is at the detriment of others or the whole community.

He believes that if he does not fully live for himself with all his natural instinct, if his desires are not gratified or if he has to sacrifice himself for others such as family, society, or if he has to do well for fear of judgements, he would lose his identity, his self.

However, he does not stop to consider that if everyone in society thinks and acts like him, with no one to be subdued to anyone else or no one being considerate for the feeling of others, but only acting as he wants to satisfy his needs, irrespective of other people's welfare, then society would become disorganized with people coming to grip with one another because of their own selfish interests.

Human beings in such a floundering society will be confused, miserable, and engulfed in sorrows such that after disputes and deadly encroachmenets between one another as it is in the animal kingdom, they will only meet but with disguest and desolation, being unable to find refuge for their Souls.

In discussing sexuality so far, I have gone over the moral declines of mankind because I have come to know that there is a trend of thoughts that currently advocate for the animal instinct in men and that instinct which is believed to be in the True Nature of human beings, is in vogue in modern and materialistic societies.

That conception, in reality, is not reprovable for it is caused by the lack of consciousness of men as to who they are, how grandiose they can become, how rich their insight and their True Nature can be, and what it is made of? Nevertheless, somewhere along the eternal tide, the Law of Evolution will react on them and help them gradually understand the problem.

Now, I will get back to the evolution of sexuality. I have first talked about Animal Sexuality, and now, about Human Sexuality. After acquiring knowledge of human sexuality, man would not remain at this level forever.

Due to his responsibility, to his need for knowledge, man must always proceed forward in accordance with the Law of Evolution.

Since he has already learned sexuality in the Human-Way, now if he wants to progress, he has to exert sexuality in the Way of Heaven. If by human sexuality, he has to look for the intimate relationship of Yin and Yang outside of himself, sexuality in the Way of Heaven will teach him to look for the fusion of the Female (Yin) and Male (Yang) Principles, right within himself.

At this stage, man does not get involved in any outside relationship, he does not project his thoughts to the outer world to look for his ideal, but instead turns into his innerself to look for the object of this mystical union. Because of the lack of consciousness, man has whirled himself desperately and pitifully looking here and there, outside of himself for an ideal that suits his image.

If he cannot realize his dream, he will then be engulfed in despair, sorrow, deception for his destiny: and if he does, he soon discovers that it is not the one he dreamed of - because it can never be as he has wished.

Being immersed in sadness, blind love, tears, hatred, with all his spiritual endeavors and his moral pains, he will learn that he has gone after a false ideal - which is far from his wish and not a bit in harmony with him so as to bring him happiness, felicity, extreme euphoria.

This image that he dreamed about, a real ideal and harmony that can at best respond to his quest for pleasures and conjugal ecstasy, already exists within himself but because of his ignorance, his lack of consciousness and his foolishness, he is not the least aware of it.

Here is "his other True Half". Man should know that his Nature comprises a Female (Yin) and a Male (Yang) Principles. The Male (Yang) Principle is called the "Soul" and the Female (Yin) Principle is known as the "Astral Body"(130), which is his most authentic spouse, and compared to whom, no outsider can provide him with a better harmony.

This is his true spouse he had left behind at his descent to the earth. It is the phonomena of Monism proceeding toward Dualism. So, after being seperated for so many months and days, on top of it, after having been imbued with ignorance and infatuation, he does not retain the faintest remembrance of his old companion.
So after he has been exhausted, filled with disgust, and unable to find real happiness in the external world, he will resort to his innerself to search in his own "world".

And in this interior world, he incidentally ventures to grope for his way, looking for that companion of his old days. This is called the return from Dualism to Monism. When he starts that journey, it is just like a faithful and loving husband who, day and night, is willing to scale high peaks and wade tumultuous torrents in search of a beloved spouse, long lost as if he has not yet seen her face.

The efforts that you put forth in the "practice of Spiritual Ascesis, the accomplisment in Charity Deeds, and the observation of Character Improvement" in order to overcome all ordeals on your return, will be fully compensated when you meet again the companion of your good old days! The splendid moment of reunification of the Soul and the Astral Body(130) will fully compensate for all your efforts.

Your Wisdom Eye will show how graceful and exquisite your spouse can be! Indeed, this mystical reunion(131) does not differ from the intimate union between husband and wife on earth, but is all loving and full of enchantment, with a kind of happiness even superior to what is experienced between husbands and wives on earth.

That instant of splendor and ecstasy happens to be so real and so vivid that what humanity insistently holds on in this world as true happiness becomes but ephemeral like lentils and foam bubbling on the water, or the clouds passing in the sky(132).

Moreover, the union between the Asteral Body and the Soul or between the Female (Yin) and Male (Yang) Principles in your body not only provides you with the pleasures but it also consitutes the essential for you to progress towards the Sphere of Lucidity and Liberation.

That is a form of commendable sexuality that you should strive at. It will keep you healthy, lucid, and serene.

The more you practice it, the healthier and the more lucid you become and also the quicker you can evolve both physically and mentally.

Sooner or later, there will be a time when human beings will be awakened after getting tired and exhausted by all the external things in order to get involved with the search of this magnificent reunion because they must resolve to return to their Source and reintegrate to their Origin(124), to realize the unification of the Female (Yin) and Male (Yang) Priciples (133) so as to ultimately regain that vision of their True Self.

Therefore, many human beings on earth have mistakenly visualized that Nirvana(134) is but a state of deserted and quiet Void and that Buddha must destroy all longings, repress all sensual desires, which is a precious boon for human beings, in order to gain the state of Impassive Serenity.

What excitement does this state have? What does Nirvana have that can make you abandon the worldly desires, the carnal gratification? Indeed, I tell you, Buddha never loses His sexual nature. He only abandons the common way of sexuality for a more enlightened one.

Because Buddha knows of a more refined kind of sexuality, He experiences the pleasures a million and a billion times more than you do.

It is precisely the state of Immutable Serenity, of Facility which takes place by a nupital congress between the Female (Yin) and the Male (Yang) Principles inside of Him that makes Buddha happy, delighted, lucid, and ecstatic, thanks to His attainment to the harmonization, and Buddha will enjoy it forever due to the definite reunification of those two Principles.

For lack of consciousness(106), human beings keep clinging onto the desires, the petty and obscure pleasures which are neither profitable nor durable.

These things even bring with them all kinds of sorrows! The joys of wedlock are follows by the burden of a family with wife and children, the debt for clothing and food.

The satisfaction of promotion and fame will be fast counterbalanced by annoying side effects. The enjoyment of money will only lead you to worries and disenchantment because you will have to accumulate and protect it forever.

If you achieve making a fortune of billions the return will hurt you because you have to manage it in such a way that it might last for your whole life.

Therefore, if you are after the heavy and impure sexuality, you will be irresistably pulled down by earthly debts bearing hard upon you. If you enjoy the pure and light sexuality you will be elevated towards purity, enlightenment, and felicity.

Henceforth, I exhort the community of human beings that they aim toward desires by knowing what to desire, that they practice a more enlightened sexuality by knowing what is better for them.

Engage yourselves in the wonderful way of sexual union of Immortals and Buddhas to achieve sexuality through the fusion of the Yin and Yang Principles. The reunion of the Astral Body and the Soul resembles the union between husbands and wives; it is a vivid reality that anyone of you can experience if you are determined to perform the spiritual ascesis and perfect the Way.

Indeed, up to now, there are Contemplative Monks(135) who having devoted their lives to spiritual perfection, have come to experience that union between the Female (Yin) and the Male (Yang) Principles in themselves but do not deem proper to reveal to the world those poetic and marvelous sensations that they had lived through. They have experience the delightful conjugal intimacy within themselves and have carried all those mysterious wonders with them to Nirvana after their earthly journey. This is how profane and ignorant people think they know more about sexuality or can enjoy it more than Buddha does.

To their surprise, Buddha knows and enjoys sexuality for more than the common mortals! Take the example of Luong-Si-Hang! Go to Him and ask about some of His experiences in sexuality at the level of Buddha.

In the School of Non-Being, there are actually a few of you who have opened the Cranial Psychic Center(136) and the Wisdom Eye(137).

Those persons have had occasions to go through some real experiences relating to their bodies, also perceived as their microcosms(75).

There are others who experience the travel of their Souls(138) in "the Sphere of Oneiric Visions at the Umbilical Psychic Center"(139) in their own physical bodies and have succeeded in seeing the energy of the Female (Yin) Principle or the Astral Body also known as "the Immortal". Others still are able to leave their microcosm by their Soul(140) to travel here and there in the macrocosm etc...

For this matter, you can get in touch with them to study and learn more. However, if you really want to satisfy your curiosity, the only way left is to launch yourselves into the adventure. But, if you look for them purely out of inquisitiveness then it will not be very usefull and cannoy really satisfy your curiosity.

Today, with the opportunity to tell you about sexuality, I have made a straightforward and open approach to the matter with you to pull down your infatuation, to help you to clarify the problem and guide your Spiritual Energy to Lucid Sphere.

On one hand, I regret having confined the matter in the general outline instead of delving deeper into more detailed and delicate aspects of this grandiose matter.

On the other hand, I also intend to limit Myself and reserve to you the pleasures of the experiment so you can really taste, learn, and know, because My children, if you only listen with half an ear then you never really know it.
In the end, when you reach the state of full understanding, sexuality has nothing evil in itself.

EVerything that is considered as sinful, as bad habits of human beings, things that have made man become always perplexed or insomniac, anxious, sad... all that the philosophical systems and moral doctrines have ever intensely discussed or argued like greed, anger, foolishness, and lustfulness etc... are not bad in themselves.

They are neither bad nor good; they simply have different shades and colors, differnt aspects from heavy to light, from impure to pure, and men must learn all those aspects, nuances in order to really know their Nature. In fact, what are Sins? Sins are not greed, anger, foolishness, and lust. Sins are anything that cause obstacles to your evolution.

You must know that everything is made for the goal of evolution, for the function of the Law of Evolution, and anything that causes obstacles to that function is considered as sin. When you perform the sexual act with the animal instinct or when you become immoderately voluptuous, it is only the manifestation of your sexuality in terms of impureness.

This impure sexuality is neither bad nor sinful but is considered so because it provokes the consquences that hurt your evolution, weaken your body and your mind, not mentioning the influences which are baneful to other people because of its impureness. Therefore, it pulls you down furthermore into the impureness and you will be subdued by the Law of Cause and Effect, which will hinder your progress. That is the only reason why it is considered as sinful!

Therefore, when a human being understands, he will realize that he is but an energy engendered by the Female (Yin) and the Male (Yang) Principles. What he takes to be "his self" is no more than a shell of bones and blood with flesh on the external part.

And then, the elements concerning the Female (Yin) and the Male (Yang) Principles in the internal part of his being are always in the state of seperaton as long as he is still foolish and infatuated! Because of darkness, foolishness, and infatuation, these two elements cannot recognize each other and come together.

And when these are apart from each other, the human being feels unhappy, inadequate, and unsatisfied. He will look for an ideal outside him and search for pleasure in every corner of the world to compensate for his feelings of solitude, destitution, absurd confusion, but can never become really satisfied and happy.

It is only when those two elements of the Female (Yin) and the Male (Yang) Principles within a human being come close together, fuse into a union that man can reach serenity and enjoy an ecstatic happiness.

Once you understand, Sexuality will become the point of Departure as well as the point of Arrival, the cause of Seperation and the consquence of the Union. It is because of sexuality that there is the dispersion into multiplicity and due to it there is the return of multiplicity into Oneness! Indeed, sexuality is the indispensable nature of Man, of GOD, and of the Truth.

In summary, the main matter for man is not to inhibit sexuality but to sublimate it, learn it in a dimension more enlightened, more grandiose, always develop the sexual character in conformity to the Law of Nature and keep abreast of the constantly turning Wheel of Evolution, until you become infinite at your Return to the Rank of GOD.

At this rank, you will practice Sexuality in all aspects from Impure to Pure, from Heavy to Light; you practice sexuality within each atom, sexuality in the manner of stones, of vegetables, of animals, of human beings, of Saints, of Immortals, of Buddhas etc...

GOD practices sexuality incessantly; HE does it in all aspects; therefore, HE enjoys all kinds of pleasures. Different forms of sexuality, different states of emotional vibrations and pleasures take place at the same time within GOD to become an exquisite harmony of all the aspects, a marvelous sensation of happiness without limit, a kind of immense, infinite pleasure...

The Sexuality will then be the Infinite, Incommensurable Truth. It is the Eternal Life of the Universe, it is Love, Wisdom, Will, Benevolence. It is the Eternal Beauty of the Omnipotence, Omniscience, of the perfect Truth and perfect Beauty.

Question 50:
Divine Father, I have not yet decided on any spiritual method for fear that a wrong practice may cause bodily harm.

I have only chosen the way of meditation(121) adopted by the Theosophy Society(141) consisting in concentrating our mind on a good thought and invoking mentally Buddha's Mantric Name or setting the mind on a favorite Buddha and gradually aiming it toward serenity.

Father, will such a method of meditation for attaining serenity help acheive the Union of the Female (Yin) and Male (Yang) Principles, our return to the Origin, or is it still mandatory for us to follow the method of Sublimation of the Seminal Essence Energy to converge the Three Gems(46) and form the Sacred Embryo? Please advise us?

The spiritual method of setting into motion the Wheel of the Law(99) which induces the Seminal Essence Energy to rise up to unite the Three Gems and form the Sacred Embryo is a Doctrinal Principle that shortens the time of spiritual perfection.

It is the method of the distillation of the Cinnabar(142) to "Reunite the Three and Unify the Five" to procreate the Sarira Immortal Infant(143), by which the Small Individual Souls can lean on to return home. What does the "Reunion of the Three" and the "Unification of the Five" mean? It is the Reunion of the Three Gems and the Unification of the Five Vital Breaths, called the "Five Vital Breaths paying homage to the Origin"(144), the "Union of Three Flowers at the Sinciput"(122).

Diverse doctrinal principles of the distillation of the Cinnabar have all been so far the Heart-Dharmas (56) of the secret tradition, though with slightly varied rituals, are all about the setting into motion the Wheel of the Law(99) to move the energy of the Original Seminal Essence upwards, to sublimate it into the energy of the Original Vital Breath that will fuse with the Original Spiritual Energy.

The manner of setting into motion the Wheel of the Law(99) also helps absorb the energy of the pure cosmic breath(12) into the body to purify the five visceras(104) and reassemble the energy of Five Elements(79) to the Center.

In other terms, it is "the Five Vital Breaths paying homage to the Origin" which is in turn united with the energy of the Original Seminal Essence and the Original Spiritual Energy to form the Sacred Embryo or the Sarira Pearl.

As to your mode of meditation, it is a common practice to help people to strengthen their mind, control their thinkings, concentrate their Spiritual Energy, and enter into the Meditative Ecstasy(145) so as to achieve serenity and lucidity.

When a human being is constantly beset by worries, speculations, desires, and disturbances coming from the worldly activities, when he is constantly engulfed in greed, anger, foolishness, pleasures, nervousness, blind love, hatred, lustfulness etc... then naturally, his Three Gems will be depleted, the five visceras weakened and the Five Elements disintegrated.

When a human has become the master of his False-Self by controlling the Visceral Entities(27) within him, by encaging his "monkey-mind"(146) or chaining up his "horse-thought"(146) and shutting his five senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch) to worldly endeavors and attractions, he will then find himself pure and serene again.

Once serenity is back, the Three Gems will naturally unite and the Vital Breath Energy of the Five Elements will progressively reassemble to the Center known as "the Five Vital Breath paying homage to the Origin". Those Vital Breath Energies will then unite with the energy of the Originial Seminal Essence and that of the Original Vital Breath to procreate the Sarira Sacred Embryo(143).

Therefore, that mode of meditation also helps you recollect yourselves to focus your spiritual energy and interiorize your spiritual light by reflexion(58). And when you have reached the state of serenity, you will get the same result as you if you have practiced the esoteric method of the distillation of the Cinnabar.

However, this mode of meditation goes slower than the one using the Esoteric Art by absorbing the Yang energy (positive) of Heaven and Earth into your body to purify the five visceras, to activate them so as to assemble the energies of the Five Elements, and to divert the Seminal Essence Energy upward to unify it with the Original Spiritual Energy in forming the Three Gems. Therefore, if you are determined to liberate yourselves by progressing faster, you should choose the

Esoteric Art as the shortest method leading to spiritual perfection.
Actually, the method of the of the School of Esoteric Science of Non-Being is also a method of the distillation of the Cinnabar(142) which GOD has chosen to divulge to mankind during the Decadence of this Inferior Era of Kalpa(65) to provide humanity with the precious key to the "Gate of Heaven"(70), to return and reintegrate to the Origin(124) where the reunification of the Male and Female Principles takes place.

This relatively easy practice, which causes no harm, can be freely divulged to people.

GOD will soon act gradually so that other Ways to Perfection, whose mode is simple, will be widely disclosed to the public.

This is the Divine Grace that GOd extends to the earth at this period of the Grand Amnesty of Heaven and Earth. Therefore, you should take advantage of it as a convenient vehicle(147) for your return.

Do not miss this opportunity!

The important thing to remember is that although the practice of the spiritual ascesis is the short way to spiritual perfection, if you do not devote yourselves to a virtuous life in view of liberation but let your mind be continually agitated by earthly matters or if you do not renounce the worldly affairs of pleasures, nervousness, blind love, hatred, greed, anger, foolishness, and lustfulness etc... then, even with the Best and Shortest Method you still cannot progress quickly! I remind you that during this Final Era, you must make an effort to perfect the Three Deeds so you can expect to be on time.

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