I come to you again today, overwhelmed by an intense affection, and what I have for you is My Love that I cannot fully express because of the limitations of language, in which no word can nearly convey the true effusion of My Heart.
My beloved children! I am Love and Love is ME.
My Love is a perpetual fountain that flows and inundates the Cosmos, pervading all living creatures and channels all paths of life. It manifests itself in adversities, pulsates in every single breath and every living cell of the Cosmos, and vibrates in the Living Soul of the world. It can be said that My Love knows no limit, no bounds. Only those who grasp the Truth can experience its presence which embraces and transcends all times and spaces.
My dear children! My Love for you is boundless! It permeates in what is good, and in what is bad, even in impureness or in the cries of grief, as well as in the laughs of exultation of the world. My Love resides in the Law of Reincarnation, the Law of Cause and Effect, and the Law of Evolution of all Creatures.
For the same of Love, I give you lessons to study for your evolution. Because of Love, I assign you lessons to learn by being stones, vegetation, animals, and then human beings according to the Natural Cycle of your Evolution.
I also give you lessons on worldly entanglements, wickedness, and impureness. I let you experience the evil of the False-Self. Then you are bogged down, being caught in the sea of passions, and becoming indebted with karmic retributions to be forged by perturbations, which are subjected to the Metempsychosic Cycle.
While being enmeshed in the vicissitudes of life with the rudiments that would help you develop your False-Self, experience inpermanence, and taste all life's flavors from bitter to sweet amidst the evolution process of your False-Self, once saturated with the taste of sorrows, the precariousness of human existence with its transient fortunes and happiness on earth, you will proceed to a new phase - the Journey to Liberation.
You will witness along this journey the conflict between the voice of your False-Self and your True-SElf, which will give you the occasion to learn your lessons on willpower, strength, courage, patience, compassion, and lucidity.
In brief, you will learn about these three words: Compassion, Lucidity, Courage. Compassion is Love and Affection, Lucidity is for discerning which is Good from what is Bad, and Courage is the forging of your Willpower.
Compassion, Lucidity, and Courage are the three words you should learn by heart for your own liberation, and the conflict between Good and Evil will give you the chance to experience about them and help you improve yourselves.
Why does the conflict between Good and Evil help you to progress? How does the clash between your False-Self and True-Self or true personality help you evolve? What is the voice of the True-Self? What is the voice of the False-Self?
My Beloved, the voice of the False-Self comes from your Twelve Visceral Entities(27); it is a voice of wickedness, which induces you to act against your conscience, driving you toward litigations, rancour, jealousy, ambition, anger, and toward profits or pleasures even if it is detrimental to others. It appeals to your laziness, demoralization, negligence, and total surrender?
What is the voice of the True-Self? It is the voice that calls upon you to return to benevolence, to live your love and to forgive, renunciate, and dedicate yourselves for the sake of others rather than yourselves. It impels you to act for the joy and happiness of others, and urges you to become diligent, to exert yourselves earnestly to emerge from adversities. That is the voice of your True Self!
The conflict between the False-Self and the True-Self is drastic! Early in the development of the True-Self, the individual is inclined to be dominated by the False-Self. He is apt to succumb to the Twelve Visceral Entities by acting evil. At this phase, the voice of the True-Self is no more than a faint echo, and the individual only puts up a weak fight against sins and wickedness; this False-Self will then win over the True-Self and cause the individual to give in easily to temptations, sins, wickedness, and impureness. Being depraved in impureness, he sows unsound seeds.
These will next produce distasteful fruits which will later bring about bitterness and pungency! To experience the bitter taste means to suffer the miseries of life. And if he keeps committing sins, he will be forged by karmic retributions, crushed by sorrow, immerged in misery to the extent that he becomes weary with afflictions. Only at this moment does he resolve to give more heed to the voice of the True-Self, and with a resolute mind, he gradually overcomes the vileness of sins to liberate himself and to bravely rise from the bad to the good Karma.
Likewise, you will keep on progressing along the development of the True-Self until you really attain liberation and free yourselves frm the vicious circle of transmigration. This is when My Small Individual Soul has really become mature and has enough strength to surmount the shackles of the physical body in order to harmoniously blend into the Universal Soul. The Small Individual Self unites with the Great Self, or the Small Divine Light merges into the Great Mass of Divine Light!
My Beloved! Each of you have experienced the conflict between the True-Self and the False-Self. The more drastic the struggle is, the more precious the experiences are. The True-Self has occasions to learn about the domination and the rebellion of the False-Self, with courage and willpower. When being subdued, this latter will moan painfully to oppose to the willpower of the True-Self.
Why is there such an obstinate lament? My dear children, because the True-Self compels you to be altruistic, to love your fellow-beings and drives you toward forgetting your profane self. That leads you to patience, to sacrifice and endurance. When forced to endurance and renunciation, you will feel inflicted, suffering of losses and your profane self will roar up in pain when realizing that the True-Self is in control.
It repulses and causes you pains. That is when you have to give up the False-Self, and have to live for others mroe than yourselves. At that time, My dear children, you feel grief and sorrow. But, what is this misery? My Beloved, it is the renunciation of the False-Self once knowing that it is defeated and dominated by the willpower of the True-Self.
If you understand it, you will realize hat this is not real misery. Such a misery in return helps you enormously. It is the seed that transcends your thought, the seed of sublimation that liberates your spirit! This is the steel to forge your Courage and Willpower!
My children, the miseries derived from self-denial and the loss of the False-Self are truly the foundation of liberation and real happiness!
My Beloved! I have just conveyed to you some general aspects about the Universal Law of Evolution in which My Love is embedded. After so many vicissitudes, with precious experiences in sufferings and bitterness, the day of reunion between you and ME or between the Small Individual Soul and the Great Universal Soul will be thrilled with enchantment and glory!
My Beloved! I split My Soul into Small Individual Souls and let them depart from ME to go out and acquire more knowledge. But it is truly I who is studying. Therefore, I have all the states of mind that the world possesses. Your bitterness, your sufferings, and your joys fuse with Mine. Indeed, you are My image! My Divine Soul is attuned with all vibrate sensations of the world!
My Beloved! My Small Individual Souls! I shed tears as the world plunges into dismal sorrows. As you immerge in miseries to be kneaded in karmic retributions, to be mistreated, impeded within the tragic streams of the world, it is really Myself who is inherent in those states! I love you beyond expression! Those who have not freed themselves from the veil of ignorance that intoxicated their False-Self and who have not yet grasped My Love, will turn against at ME with stern reproaches such as: "You say that You love Your children but why do You still punish them? Why those Karmic Retributions to your children? Why those sufferings on human beings soaking in an ocean of tears, with tragedies full of woes, rancour, killing, cruelty, torment, and injustice? Where are You, Divine Father? Where is God? Why do You permit the threats of total war while Mankind is already so helplessly at the fate of uncertainties and chaos? Don't You see that tears and blood is overflowing the world, that life on earth is infested by the Satanic Force? Where is God? Where are You? Does the Divine Father exist? Does God's Love exist?".
My Beloved! I am here! I am within you, amidst your very heart. I am at the core of the Universe, pervading space, time, and pulsating in all creatures.
My dear children, I am here and will respond to those who do not understand ME, and who blame ME so they understand that: "Because of Love, I must punish you". To punish you is to compel you to feel responsible for all the consequences of your aberrations. To punish you is really to punish Myself! I also feel being chastised when you are chastised!
I impose sufferings on you because you must suffer in order to fully recognize its meaning. It is only after being immerged in woes and rancour, overwhelmed by enmity, hatred, and killing that your heart can be truly accessible to Love!
What is the tragedy of war? Where does it come from? Does it not originate from the insane thoughts of human beings, of yourselves? Does it not derive from your boundless ambition, pride, jealousy, stingy selfishness? Are these insane thoughts the unsound seeds that generate its intoxicated fruits called "war" the exterminator! And then, My dear children! Blood and tears will shed until humanity feels so saturated and disgusted that it will put down the weapons and abandon the killing. Then, they will come to love each other, fear violence and live together in fraternity!
Do you say that violence oppressively presides over the lives on earth? My Beloved! Isn't that also the very karma grown up from the unsound origins in your mind? But, such a thing has to occur so the Small Individual Souls can have the chance to learn and evolve. This is indeed necessary! Why? Frustration and injustice must exist in order for human beings to long for justice, to aspire for the Truth.
My Beloved! The sream of My Love flows ceaselessly... How fathomless it is to thinking and how inexhaustible it is to expression! Only when you attain the Non-Being sphere that you can grasp My Love, which encompasses all the Cosmic Universe. Therefore, at every second, I am waiting with apprehension for you to reach the Non-Being sphere, and I am yearning for each sublime moment to see My Small Individual Souls unquestionably accept My Divine Love and cast off their coarse shells to enter into communication with the Great Entity, attuning their strings of Non-Being to the Heavenly Music of the Great-Self.
My Beloved! Do you hear anything? Listen to My Heart that sobs and pines for you. Do you hear anything? The vibration of the Great Soul is palpitating, pulsating passionately in the Universe, echoing, resounding earnestly to remind the Small Individual Souls of his old Origin... Return! Go back to the Native Land! O My beloved Souls!
O Small Souls! My Beloved! Listen to the Great Soul's Melody whose Master is sweeping the chords of Non-Being! My Loved Souls! Let's attune in unison!
I send to all of you My wholehearted affection! And here I stop but My love flows, never to end!...
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