
Saturday, September 24, 2005

All Questions & Answers About of God:-30-40

Question 31:

Divine Father, we have heard from the Initiator(78) since the day we were initiated to the Esoteric Science of Non-Being that we don't need to make the Vow of Good Conduct or renounce pleasures, nervousness, attachment, hatred, lustfulness but rather stick to the practice of the spiritual ascesis of the Esoteric Science for a certain time to experience a natural improvement in our character.

However, so far, after a period of spiritual practice, we haven't seen any amelioration and are still prey to nervosity, stupid anger, and many other failings. But then, there are other practitioners of this Discipline who have experienced much improvement in their characters. So, would You explain why we have not acquired any result?

I notice a reasoning from many adepts in the Spiritual Discipline of Non-Being such that: "It is not necessary to correct ourselves but rather let the spiritual exercises do it for us"! Here, I am going to make it clearer to you:

If you want to evolve quickly and reach the state of illumination sooner then it is necessary to concentrate on the improvement of yourselves, My children! The Good Conduct or the Character Improvement is indeed important and enhances the spiritual evolution of the ones who lead the life of spiritual perfection.

And, is there not a close tie between the Spiritual Ascesis and the Character Improvement? In other words, does the practice of the Spiritual Ascesis at night support the practice of Good Conduct in the day or the practice of Good Conduct in the day assists the practice of Spiritual Ascesis at night?

And why does the practice of Spiritual Ascesis at night support the practice of Good Conduct in the day? Here, I am going to make it clear:
Indeed, if you dutifully, and with no distraction, carry out your Spiritual Ascesis each night in spite of fatigue, you will, through your concentration of mind and your breathing activation, absorb from the Universe a certain amount of pure energy to purify your body and reestablish within you the equilibrium of the Five Elements (79) that have been disorganized and polluted after a day of wordly activities.

Therefore, a good practice of the Spiritual Ascesis each night will make you jovial, enthusiastic, and well-disposed for the following day. Your morale will be "sublime", making it a definite advantage to your behavior! This is how the practice of Spiritual Ascesis at night reinforces the Good Conduct in the day.
Then, how does the practice of Good Conduct in the day act on the nightly practice of Spiritual Ascesis?

Well, you may have experienced that after an eventful and perturbed day of mixed greed, anger, foolishness, pleasure, nervosity, hatred, and lustfulness, you will be tired and disheartened so that in the evening you may find it difficult to perform the spiritual exercises without being easily distracted.

Since you probably do them perfunctorily, your physical body will not absorb enough pure energy for the purification and reconstitution of the Five Elements(79) within you, which is so essential to the rectification of your character and the practice of Good Conduct happening during the day. Those explain the failure of your sessions of spiritual ascesis! This is how the practice of Good Conduct in daytime supports the practice of the Spiritual Ascesis at night.

Therefore, in order to progress quickly, you should give the same weight to both the Spiritual Ascesis and the Good Conduct. Do not solely rely on the Spiritual Ascesis for the improvement of your character. How dare you wait when the time is so close! Proceed before it is too late, My children!

Now, if you want to rely solely on the spiritual exercises for your character improvement, that will be also possible, My children! If you rely on the spiritual exercises for support, what you should do is to hold on the spiritual exercises assiduously day and night with a continued effort. At every single session of the Spiritual Ascesis you must devote yourselves whole-heartedly to the practice and disregard all futile things! When you can do that, you will eventually progress. That is the way to rely on the spiritual exercises by really knowing how to.

Question 32:
Divine Father, a friend on the Spiritual Path(98) I know says he has made much progress initially with his character markedly improved. Also at times during the spiritual exercises with his eyes closed he experienced with a vision of light spouting from the Frontal Psychic Center(80), and at other times, he saw different scenes.

However, shortly after that, his spiritual ascesis regresses; he no longer had visions and became irascible again like the time preceding his period of initation to the Path of Spirituality although he is still faithful to his spiritual exercises every night.

Would You please give a cause to such a regression mainly when this man is still regularly practicing the spiritual ascesis?

To regress while one has always been faithful to the spiritual exercises every night can be caused by some of the following reasons:

- During the recent spiritual exercises your friend has not recollected himself enough to capture the pure energy needed for the purification and the stabilization of the Five Elements in order to balance every functional organization of his physical body after a long and busy day.

- Not that your day of agitated worldly activities has dissipated your spiritual energy and drained your vital breath, causing such a waste of energy. Your physical body has been so contaminated by the impure energy that when you sit down at night to practice the spiritual ascesis you must feel heavy, tired, with your spiritual energy being unable to rise upwards.

Also, the spiritual ascesis seems oppressive while you are weary and halfhearted, and you only do it perfunctorily, being in a hurry to get done with it. As you have been already contaminated during the day then at night, when being distracted at the spiritual ascesis, you do not try to accumulate enough pure energy to eliminate impurity from the body and therefore, the five energys of your visceras: heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney will not function adequately, which leads to the disorganization of those organs.

If the Five Elements cannot recuperate their equilibrium, your hill will unavoidably decline along with the spiritual regression. Would you happen to lose your temper? It is becaue the energy flow of your liver is blocked? So, though the Frontal Psychic Center has begun to open thanks to a good concentration of pure energy accumulated during the previous practice of spiritual ascesis, it has to be closed now due to the contamination of impure energy.

Also at this phase(85), the Sphere of Impure Energy inflicts you with tests and trials as the layers of impurity surrounding the earth become thicker and thicker. Those of My children who lead the life of spiritual perfection by the practice of meditative contemplation, must exert their best to keep themselves abreast of the growing of impure energy and be able to neutralize its influence, a cause of so much trouble to this place. If you hold on firmly with the spiritual exercises, you will surely witness the decline of its nefarious effects.

I advise you, therefore, to assiduously practice the Respiratory Exercises(118) more than once a day whenever you can. Furthermore, make every necessary effort for the "Advent of Emergency Redemption(81)" in order to diminish this impurity by which you must have been more or less contaminated: the main things to remember are the vegetarian regimen, the mental invocation of GOD's or Buddha's Mantric Name and an assidious practice of the Spiritual Ascesis. I have already divulged al the above teachings to all of you.

Getting back to your question, if that person regresses in spite of his regular spiritual ascesis every night, it is because:

- He has not carried out his practice enough to make up for the lost spiritual energy.

- Or the hangover from the perturbed day still affects his nightly practice of Spiritual Ascesis, preventing him from getting good results.
- Or also, his concentration on the Spiritual Ascesis is not extended enough so he can cope with the expanding impure energy.

These facts must have led to the spiritual regression of your friend. However, I have only been referring to it as a general example for everyone concerned. Special cases do exist but should be considered individually.

Question 33:
Divine Father, we have heard about the Assembly of the Elects (83) and of the Transformations(82). Please explain to us the difference between these two Assemblies?

The Assembly of the Elects and of the Transformations are but different stages of the same one, referred to the Semi Final and the Final Stage.

Actually, the Sphere of Impurity which is presently prevailing here blow, is creating a lot of difficulties such as poverty, famine, disease, calamities, death, cataclysms to test human beings.

That is the Trial Advent of the Great Assembly of the Elects, also known as the Semi Final stage or the Advent of Elimination(84) designed to "purify" those Souls that are burdened with the Karma of Massacre and those that are impure at the level of the Devil.

Next will be the Transition Advent when you have more occasions to progress toward spiritual perfection; you will then speed up to progress on time for the Final Stage.

Indeed, this Final Stage has yet to come, My children! But can you take part in it without passing by the Semi Final stage? It will be the phase of Annihilation, the Last Judgement, full of extreme terrors! Those not possessing the proper level of evolution in morality and lucidity will be doomed at this "scene"(85).

Now comes the time when I only select the eminent offsprings to enter the Era of Wisdom.

The elects are those of My children who are free from jealousy, meanness, envy, dissidence, egocentrism, aggorance, discrimination, and segregation. In short, they should be at the level of universal concord, being abble to realize brotherhood among the world community without discrimination of religion, race, and social class.

Question 34:
Divine Father, some friends on the Spiritual Path(98) say that the Assembly of the Elects is still an inferior stage for them. They do not consider attending the Assembly of the Elects but will aim instead for the Sphere of Liberation. Divine Father, is that possible?

This Assembly of the Elects(83) will be the Great Assembly of the Third Spiritual Nomination(86) of the 68th globe(87). This is a very grandiose and important nomination where Buddhas, Immortals, and Saints of All ranks including the Evolved souls meeting the requirements of selection should be present.

This is the recognition of those who have realized the Spiritual Way(88) or those who have done their best to realize the life of spiritual perfection during this Third Period.

Of course, those children who have then reached the level of Nirvana in this Third Period will be present to be titled and ranked according to their realization of the Spiritual Way, like Do Thuan Hau or Luong Si Hang for example.

At that time, they should be called up in front of the Assembly of the Elects. You ask ME whether it is permissible not the attend the Assembly of the Elects? Of course, it is! This case must also exist for those who fail because they do not meet the requirements of the Spiritual Evolution to progress to the Wisdom Era.

One thing you should know is that the Assembly of the Elects is still not the ultimate goal for those who lead the life to spiritual perfection. It is only a stage that you have to pass by in the endless cycle of your evolution.

So what is your true goal? What else would it be if not the Origin where you had departed from? My children, you should return to your Origin to be reunited with the Univeral Soul of GOD the Father! The Small Sparks of Sacred Light but reintegrate with the Universal Sacred Light! You must return to the rank of GOD so as to know GOD, to be truly aware of yourselves, and to understand that the whole cycle of your evolution, comprising your descent and your return, is nothing but to learn about yourselves.

Question 35:
Divine Father, few are those who faithfully embrance the life of spiritual perfection while numerous are those neglecting them. The number of people who experience spiritual growth is thus small compared to those who fail.
Should it then be considered as a sad thing when the Impure Sphere is prospering?

There is nothing to be pessimistic about for this has been foreseen in the Functional Principle of the Universe, My children. The Bipolar Mechanism of Yin and Yang always interact with each other in accordance with the perpetual Law of Universal Evolution. Heaven and Earth must have times shifting between hot and cold, wet and dry, dark and light, or prosperity and decadence.

There is also a time for Yin to decline and Yang to rise, or vice verse for Yin to rise and Yang to decline. There is a time for the light to radiate and another time for darkness to expand. Now that darkness prevails, human beings tend to fall into impurity and ignorance. Afterwards, when the dawn breaks with its early light, human beings will awaken, vivify, regenerate themselves, and finally arise into the radiance of the sun.

Question 36:
Divine Father, life has recently become perturbed, agitated. It happens that some adepts of the Spiritual Path who usually appear wise in their moral conduct suddenly lapse into aberrations, unable to control their language as if they are vulgar and ignorant of the Spiritual Way. We are surprised at the change and would like to know the reason.

My children, this is a pitiful incident among those who lead the life of spiritual perfection and it can happen to anyone of you along the itinerary back to the Fatherland.

The failure is quite understandable! When the thick and impure atmospher has spread all over the world, you will all become more or less polluted and must undergo the trials of the Collective Karma.

At this phase(85), the adepts must cautiously take control of themselves, and depending on their individual or familial karma, they will more or less get contaminated by the impurity from which there is no escape.

Therefore, try to preserve your equanamity of mind and lucidity at the face of adversity.

Otherwise, if you neglect the control of your five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch), the introspection at yourselves, and the strengthening of your inner strength you are like a fort-castle under the imminent danger of an enemy assault.

If the gate of the fort-castle is not solid, its force not consolidated, its defense not vigilant, exposing a breach to the enemy, then the fort-castle will be overrun for certain. This downfall is comparable to the stumbling of those leading the life of spiritual perfection being under the onset of ordeals.

My children, that is the unsavory reality that every Soul can expect to meet during his pilgrimage back to the Origin! And such is the way of spiritual elevation! You must relentlessly struggle in painful trails in order to learn and to get knowledge with occasional setbacks.

My children, you should consider this objectively as normal and look at it with deep understanding. When you do not yet understand, you will be surprised at the facts, will get angry, will condemn, disdain, and keep away from the tumbling victim. When you understand, how him your compassion and encourage the subject the raise again.

So, for those who embrace the life of spiritual perfection, this is to bring love to other human beings, to realize Compassion, Lucidity, and Courage. As long as you do not put those things into practice and give way to disdain, contempt, and jealously, you do not meet the criteria to enter the Superior Era of Wisdom.

Keep in mind that the inner upsurge which leads the individual to his fall is so subtlely intricate that only GOD can see, judge, and punish accordingly. Therefore, only GOD is in the best position to condemn, needs to condemn, or has the right over a Soul! When GOD condemns a Soul, GOD is also afflicted by the same penalty! When GOD criticizes its errors, GOD also loves It and understands its mistakes. When GOD chastises It severely, GOD also suffers terribly.

When GOD applies the Law of Karma to punish it, HE also bears the karmic retribution. And GOD only does it for the purpose of His Soul's evolution! Only when you act like that will you be free to criticize, get angry, condemn, disdaim, be jealous, envious, hateful, merciless etc... toward the one who stumbles and falls.

Otherwise, there are only dull thoughts and acts that confine you to narrowness and ignorance that make you sow bad Karma to reap it afterward or that impedes the evolution of your Soul toward the Sphere of Lucidity.

In brief, this is a phase full of confusion and perturbances. All of you should be constantly on your guard against the enticements of the world, and at the same time keep your body pure with the spiritual ascesis in order to consolidate your spiritual energy.

Try best to refrain from unfruitful talks and remain serene. Try to observe the mental invocation of Buddha's Mantric Name to save energy and stay away from worldly things! Those of My children who like to talk, tend to be careless and are prone to bring about troubles.

Bear in mind that uncontrolled talks, besides being a waste of Vital energy, are polluted with impurity which may lead to mental disturbance. Moreover, careless talks invite for the Karma of Speech that will generate eventual complications. So, take good care of yourselves to avoid all chaotic trials.

Now, I also see that: most often, you think that those who lead the life of spiritual perfection, especially the Great Avatars(11), have to encounter a lot of trials, sufferings, and thus you become afraid to be one of them.

But that is not true! Not only the Great Avatars are subjected to trials, My children! Trials come from your karmic retributions! Little Avatars who get heavy karma do also encounter a lot of trials! The Great Avatars even retain more of their Spiritual-Nature(89) and they have more chance to redress themselves after falling into error while those of lesser Spiritual-Nature may not be able to recover once they have stumbled in their trials.

Therefore, it is a great blessing to be Great Avatars, My children! One thing you should know is that no matter how serious and difficult adversities are, they are not as dangerous as the weakness or fear of your Soul.

It is by itself the silhouette of a lurking phantom, the authentic culprit that sows terror, that hinders the process of forging your willpower and the learning for your evolution.

The very moment you succeed to get rid of that phantom silhouette, to subdue that culprit, then no matter how hard they are, trials will immediately disspiate like fog at dawn, a Dawn of Wisdom, My children! Therefore, the solution here is not to get frightened of trials, to run away from them, or to wish never having to face them.

For not dealing with them is something that never occurs to a Soul that must descend to the earth for learning, especially when it is still being entangled in the cycle of karmic retribution.

The only solution here is to face the trials and try to overcome them. This is the Soul's instinct for self-preservation necessary for its evolution. You must know that your failure is caused less by the trial itself than by the weakness of your Soul!

Being the ones who lead the life of spiritual perfection, if you like to accede to the Sphere of Lucidity and Wisdom, to progress swiftly, to enlighten yourselves rapidly, to reach Clairvoyance, you must dispel all doubts, get rid of all thoughts of fear, such as fear of ordeals, of sufferings, or fear of dangers etc...

These fears dim your Divine Spirit(47), kinder your Lucid Mind, and your Evolution to higher levels. A Soul lacking energy will be detained in the cycle of metempsychosis(60) until It gains enough power to leap to the Sphere of Lucidity. This is why My children who aim for liberation must be resolute in learning Courage. Keep in mind that a weak and fearful Soul cannot see clear and can easily stumble and get eliminated at this stage of the ordeal.

Question 37:
Divine Father, I try to get rid of anger but in vain. I cannot help being angry at whoever provokes me. Would You please show me a way out?

You should practice more intensively the Respiratory Exercise (118) to bring in the pure energy to purify your body and unblock the five visceras(104).

When the Five Elements(79) are dispersed, its five visceras must be obstructed! The energy of the Fire Element is blocked at the level of your liver, therfore, you become irritated, quick- tempered! By the way, I will speak more on anger to help you improve yourself.

Anger is GOD's nature and it is also yours. As I have already explained, if you want to accede to the Lucid Sphere, do not abolish anger but only give up the "Impure Anger" for the "Pure" one.

What does it mean? Here, I will explain to you.
Anger within you is the reaction against a provocation either by thoughts, words, or actions. When provoked to anger in the way of impurity, you tend to project heavy thoughts by a flux of impure energy against the other individual, to retort angrily, and sometimes resort to immoral acts leading to regrettable consequences. This harmful anger affects badly your organism and disorganizes it.

That will taint you and the other individual, not counting the disastrous consequences that may entail. And then, all these things will become an inertia of Karma which will in turn come upon you to hiner your evolution.

Henceforth, you should learn the practice of Anger in the manner of Purity(90). Now, when someone provokes you to anger, try to keep yourself calm and avoid any kind of impulsive reaction. In order to subdue irritation, touch the upper gum with the tip of your tongue, keep incisors against incisors, inhale slowly and next exhale deeply while mentally invoking the Father's or Buddha's Mantric Name while concentrating your thoughts at the Psychic Center on the top of your head(91). Breathe several times until you feel having calmed down.

Think of yourself united with GOD then start to practice "the Pure Anger"(90). At that moment, consider yourself as GOD and react to the provoker by extending him grace and benevolent thoughts, by blessing him and wishing him more lucidity and more understanding. Emit these thoughts until you have regained full composure. This is the most proper manner to react that protects you, that brings you up and augments your lucidity.

It will also slowly persuade your opponent in your favor if he misbehaves toward you. Therefore, the "Pure Anger" nourishes you, keeps your free from Karmic Retribution as well as gives you the opportunity to do Charitable Works by extending your lucidity to others.

If you adopt this type of "Anger" when anger is involved, you will gradually progress in lucidity(22) to a point where you really acknowledge the "Pure Anger". At that moment, you will possess the Quick-Temper of Buddha, for if someone provokes Buddha, He will instantly emit His Lucid Energy to give that person a lift-up.

So, when you only know the "Impure Anger"(90), your Soul revolts and you are dimmed in the state of Hell. But if you really know the "Pure Anger", your Soul is serene, lucid and you are in the state of Nirvana.

As you arrive to the rank of GOD, you will experience the "Impure" as well as the "Pure" Anger at the same time. At that level, all aspects of nature are in a dual manifestation of Impurity and Purity.

Luong Si Hang, for example, has had several predestined affinities to experience one of the incommmensurable aspects of My Anger in the manner of Purity and Impurity at the same time, through the Venerable Sanctified Body.

When Luong Si Hang is in errors - I mean the errors of the Buddha's level to which you must day and night strive to reach in order to attain Nirvana - I get indignant because of His errors, I reprimand and teach Him.

Sometimes I get angry and chastise Him severely, but the more I am attracted to Anger and reprimand Him, the mopre lucid and happy He becomes; His aureola shines more and I lift up His spiritual energy beyond the level of its vibration and pull Him toward the Sphere of Extreme Purity and Serenity, which makes Him still more lucid and happier.

But, though in Anger, I still have enough sublime force to attract the spiritual energy of an advanced Soul as Luong Si Hang up above His own level of vibration.

I allow Luong Si Hang to go through this experience several times and He fully relishes it thanks to the advanced level of His evolution, of the purgation of His False-Self, of His ability to perceive the spiritual energy, and also because He knows how to make His Soul receptive to the invaluable Divine Energy I grant Him.

You can inquire after Him for more insights! As for those who still have the False-Self and self-esteem and who do not yet have any notion about spiritual energy, they will become upset for being scolded, and due to the impure energy generated from their vexation will shut off their Soul. So as a result, they cannot appreciate its constructive value and draw any benefit from it.

Therefore, when I descend to earth through the Venerable Sactified Body, you will see, I manifest all the characters of GOD, Impure and Pure simultaneously, and the Venerable Sanctified Body will be in both terrestrial and transcendental states at the same time.

Question 38:
Divine Father, recently there happened at the Center of Meditative Contemplation of Ho Van Em to process of occult setting(92) for protection and the procedure of drinking exorcismal philtres(93) as well as the phenomenon that the Prajna Bodhisattva(95) utilizes the medicinal philtres(93), or the talismas to heal many fellow-adepts in the School of Non-Being with Your Agreement.

This fact has caused confusion among others because they think that the spirit of Non-Being is "self-practice and self-progress". If so, why do they need to use the talismas(94) or the exorcismal philtres etc...

For their lack of understanding, some have hastily considered that You and the Oracles of New-People School are still within the plane of Being and of Exoteric Appearances, and that You are sowing superstitions among the adepts of the School of Non-Being. Father, would You please clarify this fact so that they can no longer be confused?

Why the setting and drinking of preventive and exocismal philtres at the Center of Meditative Contemplation of Ho Van Em? And why the Prajna BodhiSattva's use of His spiritual energy through a terrestrial body using - with My agreement - the philtres to heal the sick? I am going to explain so you can understand it:

My children, if you knew how to perfect yourselves in order to progress as said, or were conscious of yourselves, if you were concerned in pushing forward and willing to make progress without lamenting and imploring for My sake then I would save ME from resorting to various means to deliver you from suffering.

The Sphere of Impureness is now threatening the world with trials, proportionally with the karmic inheritance of humanity.

I let you redeem what you have contracted: those griefs are to educate you and at the same time to assess your evolution.

Therefore, that is called the "Judgement of Mankind". But then, scanning through this Judgement and this Karmic Retribution, how few are the people who have a high degree of evolution! Only in the School of Non-Being(1), I wonder how many of you have already acquired the proper level of serenity and purity for this period of trials? If you embrace the Way of Non-Being and really know the right path to it without projecting your mind out to the perturbed world, if you really know the propitious use of the inertia of Karma (55) for your progress, recognizing the invaluable lessons that your Souls can learn for your evolution while you undergo bitter karmic ordeals, then, My children, I will not worry about sending you the means of the "plane of Being" and "exoteric appearences" to back you up.

The protective philtre setting at the Center of Meditative Contemplation of Ho Van Em has been initiated due to the accumulation of the impure energy there. There is no one with sufficient spiritual energy to protect it for the source of benevolent energy provided to the Center of Meditative Contemplation by Tam is cut off since He no longer comes to preach here.

Day after day, the elements of the Invisible Sphere of Impure Energy take refuge in humans' bodies, disguising themselves as fellow-adepts(97). They frequently importune the Center of Meditative Contemplation and cause troubles to Ho Van Em by bringing bad influences to other visitors whose spiritual energies are still weak.

Therefore, I have called for the protective philtre setting by members of the "Oracles of New-People School" to ensure protection to the Center of Meditative Contemplation by partially clearing away the impure energy.

And, to prevent the further intrusion by the bad elements, formalities of admission through the exorcismal philtres(93) are required. Those philtres have been provided by the members of the "Oracles of New-People School" who have received the pure energy from higher Spiritual Beings to print them out(96), and are efficient to eliminate the impure energy thanks to the pure energy they contain.

Therefore, the possessed individuals and the people of bad faith who happen to come to this place will have their impure energy neutralized by the power of the exorcismal philtres, so that they will abandon their aberrant and disturbing intentions.

The procedure of drinking exorcismal philtres before entering the Center of Meditative Contemplation is a way to keep away the undesirable elements being manipulated by the Sphere of Impurity. As you know, it isn't feasible for Ho Van Em to identify all of the fellow-adepts mainly in this phase(85) when the Impure Sphere is causing turmoil all over.

It is in fact difficult to trust the ones who want to pass for fellow-adepts, because the wrongdoer is but a puppet hosting an evil force in his body. His Soul is far too weak to resist against the urges of impure energy that possesses him. Due to this reason, the drinking of exorcismal philtres is adopted, which makes you rather confused. If this still sounds confusing then instead of coming to the Center of Meditative Contemplation you may stay home to practice the spiritual ascesis to be safe.

During this period, you must deal with unpleasant troubles, and you have to put up with adversities in order to progress on the Way of Spiritual Perfeciton. I know that some of you want to make use of the Center as a site to facilitate their spiritual ascesis but they are afraid of having to drink the exorcismal philtres.

My children, what more can you expect when the Impure Sphere prevails. Although the Center of Meditative Contemplation is protected, the Invisible Transcendental Beings assigned to watch over this place are preoccupied with a multitude of other things during this period of great sorros such as saving ahd helping the Avatars(11) loaded with heavy karmas.

They have to divide their spiritual energies in the tasks of rescuing human beings from sorrows and calamities, and having to bear part of the catastrophes for humanity on GOD's Mandate, and so cannoy concentrate much of their energies at any single place unless absolutely necessary.

That is why this additional preventive measure must be used. This fact has bothered some friends on the Spiritual Path (98) bust has stopped a lot of nuisance in favor of the host. To prevent My children in the School of Non-Being from being more suspicious, I will act(66) for Tam to come to the Center of Meditative Contemplation to explain to you about that matter in a near future. (a)

So, if you, children of the earth-world, arrive to lead the life of spiritual perfection and possess and sufficient level of spiritual energy to go through this difficult phase(85) confidently on your own, and if there is no instance of weakness by which your Souls are to be easily invaded by the Impure Sphere with its seduction to disorder and tourbles, then I will not worry about sending these things to you.

Instances of sorrow are happening all over! The Avatars overloaded with heavy karmas are perturbed, crushed by trails, and continue to succumb again and again. Helpless cries and implorations which fill up Heaven do cause ME pain day and night. I am not referring to things far wayt, but I am telling this to those children in the school of Non-Being.

During this period, they are tested by impurity and succumd so many times; they fall into distress and desperately call ME for help. If all of you knew how to perfect and progressed yourselves as you said, if all of you had enough strength and the spiritual energy of Non-Being to protect yourselves then I would be so relieved!
But, look at yourselves.

Some of you are possessed and are manipulated by the Impure Sphere, some are tormented by illness, or are struggling miserably to surmount troubles with a willpower and an energy so weak that you cannot make progress forward, which leads you to lament: "I want to have a life of spiritual perfection and want to go back to the Origin but I cannot make progress etc...". In view of these miserable situations, what should I do to save those children from suffering other than by recurring to the tangible means of the "plane of Being with its exoteric appearances".

How many times have I extended to your intangible means from the plane of Non-Being to save you, but you were indifferent and unconcerned about them. Indeed, what are these intangible means of Non- Being? It is to initiate the TAO(62) and to educate you, to remind, motivate, and exhort you to strive for perfection, to live an honest life, to do the Good, avoid the Bad, to perfect yourselves in order to eliminate a part of your bad Karmas, your sorrows, and your calamities.

But those means coming from the plane of Non-Being do not seem to be of interest to you, and though I have extended them to save you, they still seem to be useless so that the earth-world is now miserably filled with impureness!

As the plane of Non-Being does not advance any result, I must resort to the means on the plane of Being, My children! Don't I well know that using the "exoteric appearances" of the plane of Being(4) to save you is a lesser approach? However, since the superior proceeding does not work out and neither does the intermediary proceeding, I have no option left but the lowest one to rescue you in case of emergency! That is why, when transmitting their energy to profane bodies on GOD's Mission, the Transcendental Beings of the Pure Sphere have helped alleviate the sufferings of humanity by eliminating part of the impure energy which is now expanding on earth.

It is for that reason that the Prajna Bodhisattva has communicated the energy to a profane body and used pure medicinal philtres(101) to rescure these individual from pains and griefs. This relieves parts of men's Karma to support them and allow them to evolve.

For instance, when they start to think(102) and become conscious of the life of spiritual perfection, a lot of people in the School of Non- Being are full of endeavors to arise spiritually and are willing to practice the meditative contemplation for liberation, but their karmic retributions had been overburdened in the previous existences, their Three Gems(46) (Seminal Essence Energy, Vital Breath Energy, and Spiritual Energy) become exhausted and all the organs, the biological mechanisms of the physical body fall into decrepitude.

Now they start to move forward but lack the strength because their will is devitalized, their physical body is worn you, and their Spiritual Energy is depleted as they fall victims to the Impure Sphere. Besides, they have exhausted, drawn by the inertia of Karma(55) and can no longer hold onto the spiritual ascesis. Therefore, GOD has made an effort to save them by sharing with them a part of their burden, their griefs and their Karmas so that they can evolve more easily.

For this reason, I have chosen to give those who are possessed by the impure energy or crushed by illness the possibility to ask Bodhisattva for a relief from their sufferings so they can perfect themselves and progress. That is the Grace of Redemption from GOD during this Period of Decadence.

It will somewhat help the earth-world less impurity and pains for better conditions to evolve during this period when the Impure Sphere is overwhelming. However, do not get confused between the Means and the Goal. What is your Goal? It is the Constant Evolution of the Soul to which all your efforts should strive, otherwise you will immediately regress.

I have noticed that since the time Prajna Bodhisattva(95) transmitted the energy through the profane body and made use of the philtres for treatment of illnesses and diseases, many of you, who have considered them as pure, have abused them. They hold on to the medicinal philtres(93) and become dependent on them. Therefore, their Souls regress, their minds become suddenly lulled into the exoteric appearances of the plane of Being(4) that will bind them and block their progress upwards.

I must inform you, as I have confirmed above, that those are medicinal philtres(93) supported by the Pure Sphere, but it is not because they are pure medicinal philtres that you should totally rely on them! Remember that all of you must constantly strive for your evolution! The medicinal philtre cannoy progress for you! The philtres cannot lead you to the life of spiritual perfection! If by drinking philtres, you could return to the Origin, I would have dispensed philtres to the world to bring all of you Home.

You should understand that your itinerary is for perfection, for forging your will through a constant struggle for Evolution until it become Infinite! You should learn in order to understand, you should be tested by adversity, and should lean upon the inertia of Karma(55) to learn and progress. The medicinal philtres of the Pure Sphere only temporarily relieve opressive karmic burdens from previous existences for overwhelmed Souls and bodies, which need to progress but cannot.

I tenderly send My blessings to save and assist them with a bit of energy so they can feel less heavy, less miserable, and can continue to advance further on their own. Many of you are not sick but still solicit the medicinal philtres to enhance your inner force for the practice of the spiritual ascesis. This does not harm but can become detrimental.

Why? Because I worry that once you are accustomed to the medicinal philtres, you many solely rely on them for your progression and pay less heed to perfect yourselves, then your struggling spirit will weaken, your Souls will drag behind and will not be able to develop and elevate.

You should know that although they are medicinal philtres of Pure Sphere they are still a temporary remedy, My children! Is it true that they are better than the magical philtres of the Impure Sphere(103) but the part of energy given to you through those philtres is still temporary because it is not yours, therefore, it must be lost!

The spiritual energy must come from your own efforts of practice and improvement, from a virtuous and benevolent life, from the assiduous practice of spiritual ascesis of the Meditative Contemplation, and the preservation of Serenity and Quietude for your whole Microcosm.

Only when that energy becomes your own that you can fully benefit from it in a consistent way. Therefore, I advise all of you, mainly those who are not sick, not to solicit for the medicinal philtres as supplement to a fast progress and to ease the practice of Meditative Contemplation etc...

That is sheer abuse and over-reliance on the medicinal philtres, which is not advantageous to you and only impedes your progression. I reiterate that the drinking of the medicinal philtres of the Pure Sphere causes no harm, for you should understand that the harm does not come from the medicinal philtres but only from your abuse of them!

But then, in urgent cases, those who are sick may still come to Prajna Bodhisattva to ask for help. For these children, I need to give them some advice. Those of My children who have recovered from illnesses should preoccupy themselves with leading the life of spiritual perfection, otherwise their illnesses will relapse! You should know that to fail in leading the life of spiritual perfection is in fact the cause of all illnesses, corporal as well as moral. Until you understand that you make yourselves sick by wasting your Vital Energy with a turbulent life and that you are the only real physician who can remove the roots of your disease, you may not expect to recover from illness.

Indeed, is it true that those who in their daily life lack serenity and sobriety, who engulf themselves in greed, anger, foolishness, pleasures, nervosity, attachment, hatred, lustfulness etc... are wasting their Vital Energy, ruining their physical bodies? And those who get too emotionally upset or are excessively addicted to sensual pleasures, or are deeply engaged in worldly activities, will consequently get weak and sick! In the field of medicine, when you are angry, sad, worrisome, tormented, perturbed and lacking serenity, your cerebral system will immediately secret the toxic that harms your physical body, with your nervous system being disturbed, your heart beating irregularly, and your functional organs related to the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive mechanisms etc... being badly affected. And in your daily activities, if you are always perturbed, your body will naturally fall into decrepitude leading to all kinds of illnesses.

In the field of the Science of Non-Being, when you are anxious, worried, tormented, greedy, in a word severely perturbed because of the worldly life, your Three Gems(46) get dissipated and depleted, and the Five Elements(79) regress, which will cause damage to the Six Bowels and the Five Visceras(104).

Your Soul then becomes infatuated, blind, and weak for lack of care and nourishment just like a lamp that flickers and dies out. The loss of the Three Gems, the disintegration and regression of the Five Elements are the causes of all illnesses regarding both the physical body and the Soul.

Therefore, I repeat, you should be aware that it is you who make yourselves sick, that you are the only physician who can cure to the root of all your illnesses. Any physician other than you would be ineffective because he can heal only the symptoms for the illnesses while only you can suppress your illnesses at it roots! The cause of illnesses must be suppressed in order to really cure because as long as roots remain, branches will sprout.

As long as causes exist, effects will occur, My children! If you depend on any other physician other than yourselves, and do not keep yourselves sober and frugal with the right diet, or do not lead a good life of spiritual perfection, then no matter how good the physician are, no matter how effective the drugs are, no matter how powerful the philtres are, all efforts will come to naught, because the effect of the cure will be destroyed by your perturbed mode of life. Therefore, only when you become aware of this essence and are resolved to take good care of yourselves that you will have a chance to recover from all diseases.

So when you do not understand, you will think that to lead a life of spiritual perfection is to repress, to lose, to sacrifice, or not to benefit, not to enjoy from the pleasures of life etc...

Once you understand, you will realize that to lead a life of spiritual perfection is not to sacrifice but to safeguard your own rights! To renounce the pleasures of the worldly life, the aspirations, the perturbances, or greed, anger, foolishness, enjoyment, nervosity, attachment, hated, and lustfulness etc... is not to repress but rather to nourish, protect, and fortify yourselves to keep both your Soul and body healthy, and to prevent many troubles, difficulties, griefs, and trials that you will have to face in the future.

That is knowing how to love yourselves with lucidity.

By approaching the matter of "exoteric appearances", I see an additional need to give some advice to those children in the sect of Non-Being.

I see that most children in the School of Non-Being tend to think small of the "exoteric appearances".

Let ME dissuade you from such an attitude, My children. For fear that you will stagnate forever in the appearance, you are advised to abandon these ideas in order to go straight into the core of your inner self(57), to interiorize your spiritual light by reflexion(58), and contemplate your Origin of your True Nature(59) in order to attain the Truth! And once you have full knowledge of the artificial and transient state of the appearances, you leave the level of "exoteric appearances" to start studying the Non- Being, because you have already assimilated the lesson of Exoteric Being, and have gone past its stage.

You can now proceed to a different level.

However, this does not mean that you can take the old lessons lightly and belittle those who are still at that level! Do not look down on the "exoteric appearances"! You should know that Being subsists from Non-Being exists from Being! Don't you come from the spiritual energy of Non-Being to the physical body of Being to learn, and from those experiences reach the spiritual realization and to come back to your Non-Being? The Truth is that the Non-Being and Being exist at the same time!

To abandon the plane of Non-Being is to go astray from the Truth, and to abandon the plane of Being is also to miss it, My children! Once you are past the Plane of Being, you want to be promoted, and you no longer learn the old lesson again, but looking back to that lesson, you should not take it lightly but instead consider it as a necessary phase which has contributed to your Cycle of Evolution. And, as for those who are still held in the exoteric appearances, you should not show disdain and lose respect toward them.

I noticed that many children in the School of Non-Being, who came to the Temple of Confucius, disdainfully looked down on the ceremonies, and the prostrations. They made fun of the place as being tied up with exoteric appearances, considering that with the spirit of Non-Being there is no need for all these rituals, which made them obviously feel uncomfortable during the ceremony. Such reasoning on the "Spirit of Non-Being" is utterly wrong! That is not "the Spirit of Non-Being" but it is arrogance and contempt instead. You should understand that, the "Spirit of Non-Being" is the spirit of Concord.

If you do not know "Concord" you will not be in tune with the Spirit of Non-Being. Thus, a person who knows how to live with this Spirit will have a Consciousness overflowing with Love and Affectionate Concord, such that everywhere he goes he can live in perfect harmony; he goes along with the old and is in tune with the young.

When necessary, he harmonizaes progressively, shows accord with everything and learns from everything. That is the True Spirit of Non-Being. Meanwhile, those of My children who look down on the exoteric appearances, who feel disdainful and uncomfortable with them, are still imbued with egocentrism and intrasigeance, for their behavior revealed that they are affected by external scenes and the appearances which had been the cause of all these perturbances, annoyance, and discomfort.

Therefore, though those children profess about the Non-Being and argue with the so-called Spirit of Non-Being, their mind are still seriously entangled in the Cycle of Exoteric Appearances.

ADDENDUM(a): To this effect Mr. Tam explained as follows:
"The fact of having the Center of Meditative Contemplation protected and posted all around by talismans belong to the Plane of Being(4), but within that Plane of Being, there is something useful for the new adepts.

As they begin to lead the life toward perfection and still have some impure energy, they may use these talismans temporarily for their support, then later the most important thing for them is to perfect and free themselves with the help of the Spiritual Exercises - the Cyclical Breathing without Retention(99), which is the Talisman of the Lucid Universe. That is the Void-of-Void that brings in the Pure Energy of the Universe to eliminate Impureness. By eliminating Impureness one preserves Pureness.

The talismans, the philtres (exorcismal and medicinal) are for the purpose of eliminating the impure and preserving the pure. Therefore, the adepts from the School of Non-Being who have an adequate practice of the Spirituality do not feel any fatigue, any confusion, then why should they use the exorcismal or medicinal philtres?

We should see for ourselves which one is more beneficial: with the premise that what is done and fulfilled by our own efforts is more real than what is borrowed from others. What is done by one's own efforts is indeed truer! That is why one must strive at a life of spiritual perfection in order to accede to the real one.

Then, because of the perturbances, the solicitudes, the political events, and the daily activities, those who lead a life of spiritual perfection but who are still spiritually weak would need the support from those philtres (exorcismal and medicinal) to overcome their griefs, stresses, and fatigue, which would enable them to continue the practice of Meditative Contemplation.

Therefore, the Being and the Non-Being must be interrelated each other as they are not apart from each other. Since we lead the life of spiritual perfection by following the Way of Non-Being we must strive toward the Pure Energy. What is it for? It is for making progress more rapidly. Once we proceed quickly and become lucid, we then look back to see that he place of Non-Being is coming from the plane of Being.

The Plane of Non-Being in return must serve as support to the Plane of Being. That is the way it should be! The Two must correlate in order to evolve. Do not be superstitious and do not take "this" for real or "that" for false. As I said, you borrow a stick to walk when you need it, but when you can walk by yourselves, do not bother others. Once leading the life of spiritual perfection, it is not practical for you to bother others(100).

Therefore, those who are still weak may use philtres (exoricsmal and medicinal); if they drink philtres and feel better, then they should use them. But those who are spiritually strong and who do not need them should not drink or abuse them. Don't be superstitious, otherwise you may regress!

Once you can proceed forward, you should keep going until you reach Up There!
Suppose that you plan to go to Cap Saint-Jacques, but are thinking that Saigon is full of excitements you come back to it to have fun. So if you make a step forward and three steps backward, how can you progress? Indeed, to go in earnest, you must take a great resolve to improve your virtue and understand that your willpower is infinite for progression.

Do you know why those talismas, those philtres, exorcismal and medicinal, are drawn and scribbles like that? The drawings are but the flux of energy designed to dissolve and regulate the impure energy, which is severely blocking at certain areas of your body, in order to transmute it up.

That is why, the philtres are efficient only to those whose energy is still impure.

But otherwise, they lose their efficiency, even if a million of them are used. Do you understand yet? Next you should know for sure what a philtre is.

It is a means to support the practitioners. The Spiritual Ascesis is also a means but the willpower is really something everlasting. Do you see it?
Therefore, you must clearly understand each phase and do not say: "Before, Mr Tam said that by leading the life of spiritual perfection there is no need to use philtres, to use magic", because during those days, philtres were made and used as love potions to lure one person to become passionate of another, or abandon someone to attract another one for some personal design, but here the philtres are meant to ease the practice of the Spiritual Way - they are in no way related to the previous kinds.

Those used for the exhortation of spiritual perfection differ from the ones used for gains.

Men can kill one another for interests! For that reasion, I warn you against using any philtres of the Malefic Sects. In this case, we do not make any profit but only provide a support for everyone to enable them to evolve. I see that whoever is faithful to the practice of the Spiritual Way is not disturbed by anything and does not need those philtres.

But for those who cannot make an effort, who are busy or are nervously agitated, if they feel better by drinking these philtres (exorcismal and medicinal) they may do it. However, if you progress on the right path but still rely on the philtres as a supplement for more improvement, then that will cause regression.

Therefore, you must know that the enlightened side of the Spiritual Way is Lucidity and the dim side is Ignorance"

Question 39:
Divine Father, there was time when a person commits a fault of sacrilege against You and the Tribunal of the Three Spiritual Doctrines(105) has manifested through the intermediary of the Oracles Alter to condemn and give warnings. Father, would You please explain to us what the Tribunal of the Three Spiritual Doctrines is?

The Tribunal of the Three Spiritual Doctrines is a juridicial organization to watch over the sings and merits of mankind. It comes under the direction of three Divinities: the Master of Celestial Knowledge, the Venerable Master of Original Principle, the Great Supreme Founder of TAO(20). In reality, these three Divinities are also ME diversifying Myself to assume those functions.

You have heard about the Tribunal of the Three Spiritual Doctrines warning about the crime of sacrilege against GOD. Why was there such a condemnation, My children?
When a soul commits a blasphemy by defaming GOD, it does not affect HIM or the "Lord of Truth" at all.

Even if the sacrilege is repeated a million times; the Truth is still the Truth, radiating as ever. Nothing can destroy or do damage it! However, the reason I take a rigid attitude to the blasphemy, blame him, and condemn him is just because the fault of sacrilege is emanated from his lack of consciousness(106), arrogance, and ignorance. Such a blasphemy will impede his self-development, slow down the evolution of his Soul and delay his return.

My children, that is really the important point! Only the return to the source and the continuous evolution of the divine offsprings are truly meaningful to GOD. Therefore, when you blaspheme and offend ME, you hurt and make ME suffer! I suffer not because My prestige is soiled, since Truth is always Truth, but because of your arrogance and your ignorance that hinder your evolution. You will be impeded at that spiritual level and degraded in the course of evolution.

Therefore, when you offend ME I condemn you through the intermediary of the Tribunal of the Three Spiritual Doctrines. I condemn the Soul for the sake of its own good, its needs for knowledge, and its endless evolution. Hence, your impious act or sacrilege is not a sin basically. Only the insolence which springs from the lack of consciousness is, because it hinders your evolution.

And then, the imminent Law of Karmic Retribution will react on your ignorant arrogance to correct, to purify you progressively in order for your mind to develop and evolve.

Only after your Soul has acquired lucidity, has been liberated from ignorance that you can afford to insult ME and feel free to defame ME. Patriarch Boddhidharma(107) curses that "GOD is a Mass of Excrements!". That is really a blasphemy! However, here is a blasphemy in Awareness, therefore it is not a blasphemy.

He commits the blasphemy in Wisdom, His defamation comes from His knowledge of the Infinite Grandeur of GOD! Everything is GOD, even the mass of excrement! Nothing is not HIM, HE comprises everything. Therefore, the blasphemy in Wisdom committed by Boddhidharma is really His highest respect towards GOD.

Hence, defaming GOD with a lack of consciousness(106) is blasphemy, arrogance, and sacrilege. Defaming GOD in awareness is wisdom, adoration, and glorification.
My children, please know further that the character of arrogance and pride is in truth the nature of GOD as it is yours. However, if you stay in the "Impure Arrogance"(108), if you are contemptuous in the impure way, you will be immersed in ignorance and darkness without being able to evolve higher.

Therefore, if you do not want to immerse in sorrows or to lag behind, if you want to proceed to higher levels, you must learn arrogance in another way. You have already learned arrogance as a manifestation of Impurity; now, you should learn it in the Purity of mind in order to progress to the Sphere of Lucidity and Lightness.

What does "Pure Arrogance"(109) mean? It means Modesty, My children! You should understand that when you are modest you are glorifying yourselves in a lucid way! In fact, the one who is arrogant does not yield to anyone and always wants to be ahead of others, But because his arrogance is evil by nature, he is pulled back and cannot progress as he wishes. Such an arrogance simply drags you down, creates derogation, mockery, hatred, and aloofness.

A modest person does not want to get ahead of anyone but constantly endeavors to correct his own weaknesses, to improve himself and live in harmony and affection and to learn from all, and to consider everyone as his Master(110).

He can detect the good and the noble within the bad and the vulgar for his learning and his progress. He will stride forward quickly even though he does not intentionally want to arise. Because of his modesty, he is eager to learn so as to be enriched, so as to progress, to enlighten himself rapidly toward lucidity.

The virtue of Modesty and Harmonious Affection will be the forces that attract esteem, affection, and respect of everyone towards him. The comportment that begets esteem, respect, superiority, and progress is really the arrogance which is developed to a high degree; this is "Pure Arrogance"! Due to purity and lightness, the individual is hauled upward to the high and bright sphere.

The "Impure Arrogance"(108) is only the contempt in an awkward manner. The "Pure Arrogance" or Modesty is the contempt in a more refined and delicate way.
This type of self-respect by the practice of modesty will help you evolve towards the Sphere of Lucidity.

Evidently, you should make proof of true humility, not the kind of false modesty for the purpose to win praise. When you heart feels urged for arrogance or praise, you are still impeded in arrogance in a heavy and impure manner that will hold you back from progress.

Live in harmony with everybody. Learn to progress without promoting any perturbing desire, to be lucid, loved and respected, with the Heart and Mind always serene and clear. That is the real know-how in the practice of the "Pure Arrogance" which is also the virtuous Arrogance of Buddha.

Therefore, arrogance is an indestructible nature of GOD! When you learn modesty, you do not destroy it but only sublimte it. Your sojourn on earth and return to the Source is predestined with the learning process of arrogance from low to high, from heavy to light, from impure to pure until you truly know the real arrogance.

So far, I recall that there are children who are critical about My way of preaching and the appellations I use in regard to your Masters(111) or the great Personalities such as: Buddha, Christ, Confucius etc...

I seem to be arrogant, contemptous, but My children, listen to My question: "Is there any Spiritual Doctrine that accuses a father of arrogance and contempt for calling his child a "youngster"? Or on the contrary, are they themselves arrogant, those who disapprove of their father's familiarity?

So if in any case you want to accuse ME of arrogance and contempt when hearing ME calling you in such a familiar way, then I let you know that "Arrogant" is not the right word, it is not insulting enough because I am Over-Arrogant and Infinitely Arrogant! I am the Most Arrogant Personality in the Univer! I am the Highest but also the Lowest, the Most Noble and the Most Vile.

Even in the baseness I surpass everyone! Therefore, I am Arrogant even in Meanness, My children! Suppose I am no longer arrogant or let Myself be defeated by something or yield to something or let something surpass ME, then it will be the downfall of the Supreme Truth! In a word, the Truth is always Over-Arrogance. That is its Indestructible Nature!

However, I inform you that in the position of GOD, I have the right to disdain everything in the Universe and to consider everything as inferior to ME, not only because I am the Supreme Truth or because I am the Creator of all things but also for the reason that when I think I despise things and consider them as inferior to ME, I can see the point that they are ME, I am them, and that they and I are One.

Therefore, I despise but do not despise, I am Haughty but also Humble, I am Arrogant but also not Arrogant, My children! Note that when you can do the Most Sublime and the Most Vile, when you can perceive those two states at the same time, you know really what Arrogance is.

Question 40:
Divine Father, the adepts of the Esoteric Science of Non- Being have learned from Mr. Tam's teachings that there is no need for them to observe the vegetarian regimen because the practice of "Cyclical Breathing without Retention"(99) can substitute the Impure Energy for the Pure one; as a result, though adopting the meat diet, our spiritual energy remains pure.

Mr. Team also said that the physical body is comparable to a home(112) as luxurious as a "Blissful Realm". (113) Henceforth, why can we not compassionately adopt the energy of the animals(114) into our systems so they can be happy, blessed with a view to guide them to higher levels? The matter here is to save them, not to kill them.

However, since the day of Your appearance in the School of Non-Being, You have advises us to observe the vegetarian regimen then we notice that Mr. Tam also resumes to take it. By that meaning, has Mr. Team made an error in His previous reasoning?

Why not compassionately adopt the energy of the animals into these excellent and luxurious homes, the "Blissful Realms" of people leading the life of spiritual perfection so they can enjoy more happiness, can be blessed and guided forward to higher levels? Tam is right on this matter!

However, it is only correct and applicable to Tam and a certain number of highly evolved adepts who have acceded to clairvoyance, and who have a level of spiritual energy that enables them to guide the animals.

Only the individuals whose physical bodies are purified enough should be considered as being the "Luxurious Abodes", the "Blissful Realms" to admit the energy of the animals who can then profit from the host's happiness, lucidity, purity, and enlightenment, which would guide them to higher levels.

In this case, to adopt a meat diet is to gain Spiritual Merits and to realize Charity Deeds! To bring in the energy of the animals into one's physical body in order to help them evolve to higher levels by one's lucidity and spiritual energy is to save them, not to kill them! Indeed, it is even advisable! Most of you are leading the life of spiritual perfection(25) according to this method and have followed Tam's example in eating meat with your physical bodies not being well purified, your clairvoyance not properly illuminated, your spiritual energy lacking in strength, your corporeal-above still full of waste, mustiness, and darkness for lack of purgation through so many existences.

It is just now that you begin to "sweep up" the dirt! But then, are you sure that you get them all well cleaned? When sitting down to practice the spiritual ascesis with your Cyclical Breathing without Retention(99), you only partially get rid of your waste, not counting other wastes which are still building up. The more you sweep away, the more you receive back, without mentioning that you may just give it "a few passing strokes" each night for the sake of habit.

In such a case, your corporeal-abode cannot be considered a magnificent and "Blissful Realm"(113) that hosts the living beings without attracting their complaints, My children! If your corporeal-abode is cramped, dark, and unclean, how would you manage to receive those living beings everyday there?

Evidently, to enter such a place only makes them feel miserable, unhappy, dumbfounded, without hope to evolve upwards. To enter such an abode when they are deprived of joy, comfort, progress or lucidity will naturally turn them against you, not including the vendetta debt of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"(115) that you owed them for their death or their damnation to the regions that are dark and full of sorrows.

This is called the "Karma of Massacre", My children! As for those who lead the life of spiritual perfection while still adopting the meat regimen, if they do not have the level to guide the energy of these animals(114) and elevate them toward brighter spheres, the latter will block the hosts' bodies with their energies, now becoming a source of contamination to the place.

Their energies will hang on after you to claim for their debts, which will harass and impede your spiritual progress. However, most of My children in the School of Non-Being are not for the vegetarian regimen, because they rely on the Cyclical Breathing without Retention(99) to eliminate the impure for the pure energy.

But let ME ask if you are sure whether your breathing exercises in your daily ascesis can remove all the accrued waste from your former existences, not to mention that part recently amassed in your present life? You are not yet cleansed, purified but yet still dare bring the animals' impure energy into your body and think that you can cleanse those impure energies, purify and help them to be lucid in order to progress?

Hence, for those who lead the life of spiritual perfection, to kill animals only releases and makes them enlightened and evolved, which is considered a Charity Deed. But, if you are really pushing them into sorrows and darkness by killing them without being able to release them, it will then be more Karmic Debts. In a word, to kill them and to be able to guide them is to save them and make you their benefactor, while to save them without being able to guide them will only make you liable to incur their enmity and subsequently their retaliation.

I have heard the argument that if one can become Buddha with the vegetarian regimen then cows, who feed on grass, would also become Buddhas! This sounds plausible but those of My children who think that they can become Buddhas by being vegetarian are subjected to superstition and fallacy! Note My words that it is not possible to become a Buddha just by becoming vegetarian! The vegetarian regimen only eases those leading a spiritual life to the process of training, evolving, so that their physical bodies can be purer than those of people adopting the meat regiment. That is how you become alleviated and lucid faster.

Those who lead the life of spiritual perfection and adopt the vegetarian regiment will experience their practice of the spiritual ascesis to be conspicuously more manageable than those who adopt the meat remigen. Isn't it that the vegetarian regiment helps promote the virtue of Compassion and Abnegation in those who lead the life of spiritual perfection? Do not lull your consciousness into selfish satiations where your hands should get tainted with the blood of those animals which are at the level to enjoy life and fear death.

You must have seen how painful and miserable they feel, screaming under the butcher's hand and how hard they strive to resist with all their might against the imminent death and how desperately they try to hang on to this precarious life to the last breath?

If you possess enough clairvoyance to perceive the energy of those animals at that instant you will see it escape in waves of colors emanating from their extreme terror and rancor, towards the person who kills and makes them suffer. As one who leads the life of spiritual perfection, you must learn to crry out Compassion, make Vows to save living beings from misfortunes.

Bear in mind that if you kill an animal for meat while being capable of guiding it toward spiritual progression, then you have rescued it from sorrows. On the other hand, if you kill it for meat without being able to liberate it, you have then lived on its blood and its utmost sufferings. All this is to help you understand that when you are not on the level of saving an animal by using its meat then you should spare its life by setting it free.

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